marketing strategy

what to call yourself

My dear colleague in the UK Corrina Gordon-Barnes (pictured right) just wrote a brilliant, brilliant blog post about the whole question of ‘what to call yourself’. It’s a vital issue because what you choose to call yourself will have a direct impact on how memorable it is or isn’t and how easy it is to

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fast marketing vs. slow marketing

Three months ago, I wrote a blog post called Slow Marketing. It was all about how it’s okay (even important) to slow down our marketing. This is a wonderful philosophy but what if you need money yesterday? What if you’re so broke and you can’t afford rent? All of a sudden, the slow approach while

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Island A: The Painful Symptom

Words of introduction in which I explain of the incredible length of this post which should probably be an ebook “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle” – Plato I want to talk about empathy in marketing. It might just be the most important part of it. This is one of

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