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The Irresistible Offer

The Customer Values Question

  Years ago, I read the book Monopolize Your Marketplace. Though the title and tone is aggressive, it has some incredible content. The Three Roles of Marketing I teach come from this book. And, as I was working on a new project the other day and rummaging through some old notes, I came across the […]

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80 Minute Video Interview with George Kao – The Seven Steps to True Livelihood

On August 6th, I hosted a video interview with my dear colleague George Kao. George is consistently one of the innovative colleagues I’ve ever met. He’s launching a new initiative in the personal growth & business space using a co-op business model which is really inspiring for me and we had a conversation about the

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Honesty is Boring: How a Hotel Window Blown Out With Shotgun Became A Trophy To Quirk

Mike Rowlands opens his workshop on branding by telling us about how a hotel manager in Victoria BC shot out a window of his hotel with a shotgun. It’s day two of the Social Venture Institute and I’m sitting with 30 other social entrepreneurs and savvy do gooders in Olatunji Hall Back to this hotel

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guest post: learning webs

I was in Thailand a month ago, chatting with my friend Shilpa Jain. We were talking about how people learn things. And she shared this idea of a learning web. And how there are different ways we can learn things. As she spoke, my mind immediately raced to the relevance for business. Learning Webs –

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wrapping your gifts

My friend Jenna and I were hanging out tonight having a crafts night. She brought everything you could imagine we’d need. She is far craftier than I. So far, she’s made the most amazing card (see here). And I wrapped two books (that I bought with a Greenwoods book gift certificate sent to me by

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case study: panty by post

Natalie Grunberg (pictured below) had an idea for a business. Mail women pretty panties. Once a month. This business is a brilliant example of some many things: niche marketing (panties are for women), having a point of view (it’s about confidence), having a simple, well crafted offer (a pretty panty. mailed monthly), doing something provocative

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