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“Now, I don’t think of marketing as selling. I see it as sharing.”
“My first impression was that Tad and his business had a sense of genuineness and integrity. Though I haven’t signed up for a workshop yet, I’m getting a lot from Tad’s posts and videos. My primary thought when I saw Tad’s work was how refreshing it is to hear him speak in an authentic way directly to his community. The videos are real, there’s no need for hype or glitz.
One of the messages that I found most useful is to share your content and if people want more, they’ll find you. After seeing Tad’s work, I started a new series on YouTube and my site called “Coaching Notes.” I took casual videos of me outside speaking about some idea that came up during one of my coaching sessions. I’ve received very positive feedback! Now, I don’t think of marketing as selling. I see it as sharing.”
Doug J Moore, Ph.D.,