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Options For Working With Me

Niche Review

Send me your niche and get an audio message from me with the most helpful feedback I can muster.

Step One: You submit your niche for review in a maximum of 280 characters (at the cost of $40 USD).

Step Two: Within 7 business days or so, you’ll get an audio file from me in your inbox where I share every thought that occurs to me on what’s strong about your niche, where it’s weak, and next steps you can take. The audios have averaged around 4 minutes each so far

Puttering Sessions

We’ll spend one, one-on-one hour over the phone, working on your whatever marketing questions you have that are really pressing. This is a unique format, unlike anything I’ve ever offered before. The sessions go really well for both clients and myself, people continue to snap them up when they come available.  A Puttering Session is $200 USD for a hour of my one-on-one time. Please note this will not be the best option for everyone, read the sales page and see what you think.

1:1 Coaching + GoogleDoc Sessions

One Hour: If you want me focused, sitting down at the computer and possibly working on a GoogleDoc you’ve sent me (e.g. for help with copywriting), I charge $300 USD per hour.

Half Day: We’ll spend four hours working on your marketing together whether live or over Zoom and GoogleDocs together in a focused and concentrated way. This is $1000 USD (you save $200). There is a 15 minute break in the middle for us both.

Full day: We’ll spend six hours working on your marketing together whether live or over Zoom and GoogleDocs together in a concentrated way. This is $1400USD (you save $400USD). There are two fifteen minute breaks included in this time for us both.

To book one of these sessions, please email my assistant Susan here.

Join my Membership Program

I released the Marketing for Hippies Membership Program in December 2020. It’s a fantastic, online community with a monthly fee. It is hosted on the Mighty Networks platform. It includes regular, live group calls that I host and discounts to all of my work.

“Tad brought me a completely fresh approach.”

“Tad is the authentic face of marketing wisdom. Working with him was such a gift. I was blown away by how deeply he listened and how quickly he grasped what I am really about. He just got it and was able to reflect back to me with such insightful clarity about the people I’m serving and the stages of the journey I help them to navigate. As a result I had a huge breakthrough in confidence about what I had been struggling to communicate clearly on my own. I’d been really stuck with trying to narrow my ‘niche’ right down but TAD brought a completely fresh approach to the process that freed up my thinking and helped me to relax into articulating what felt truly authentic for me, without missing the mark. Tad’s ethical example in his own business is beautiful too. Whenever my own ‘marketing gremlins’ show up, I always ask myself ‘how would Tad do this?’. And mostly what I find is the self-authority to do what feels absolutely right for me and the tribe I’m serving! Thank you so much Tad for your thoughtful leadership in the tricky world of online marketing and standing for what matters.”

Joey Walters, Edinburgh, awakeningfeminineleaders.com

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Ethical Marketing

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Want to get started on learning my approach to ethical marketing for uncertain times? Since 2001, I’ve toured my day-long “Marketing for Hippies 101” workshop around the world. Sign up below and get the full footage of that day + other sweet bonuses.

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