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The Art of Raising Your Fees

Money. Abstractly it seems like a good thing to have. But talk to most conscious entrepreneur types about doing one of the central things that will open the door to more of it appearing in their lives? Stunned silence and utter emotional shut down. Money is fraught for everyone in this culture. We’ve all done

The Art of Raising Your Fees Read More

Don’t Mess With Their Rice Bowl: Seven Business Lessons from Ten Recent Workshop No-Shows

fb  I want to tell you a story. I know that, on this blog, I share a lot of “how to’s” and philosophical pieces and there can be the risk of people thinking that because I generally post positive things, I must never mess up, I must have everything together and I must never get frustrated

Don’t Mess With Their Rice Bowl: Seven Business Lessons from Ten Recent Workshop No-Shows Read More

Guest Post: Philanthropic Entrepreneurs: A Natural Evolution of Possibilities

by Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers, PhD, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Historically philanthropy has been defined as “the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed esp. by the generous donation of money to good causes”. Synonyms: benevolence, generosity, humanitarianism, public-spiritedness, altruism, social conscience, charity, charitableness, brotherly love, fellow feeling, magnanimity, bountifulness, beneficence, kindness, compassion, and other words.

Guest Post: Philanthropic Entrepreneurs: A Natural Evolution of Possibilities Read More

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