
It’s a satisfying thing to hit a bullseye.

To get something just right.

And this is certainly true with niching. When a client of mine finds their sweet spot, the perfect role they’d love to be known for in the market place… well. I don’t mind that at all. 

The past two weeks have been there to ground you in the overall philosophy and architecture of niching.

As always, the best way to really learn something is through examples and experience.

Here are a few examples.

Stay human,


P.S. I’ve got dozens and dozens more real world examples of solid niches in my Membership. Aside from that, if you’d like to delve deeper into your own niche and get some guidance you might want to pick up my book The Niching Nest using your coupon, get a personalized Niche Review, or book a Puttering Session to talk it over for an hour. 

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