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The Zen of Attraction – Thomas Leonard

1. Promise nothing. Just do what you most enjoy doing.

2. Sign nothing. Just do what doesn’t require a signature of any kind.

3. Offer nothing. Just share what you have with those who express an interest.

4. Expect nothing. Just enjoy what you already have; it’s plenty.

5. Need nothing. Just build up your reserves and your needs will disappear.

6. Create nothing. Just respond well to what comes to you.

7. Seduce no one. Just enjoy them.

8. Adrenalize nothing. Just add value and get excited about that.

9. Hype nothing. Just let quality sell by itself.

10. Fix nothing. Just heal yourself.

11. Plan nothing. Just take the path of least resistance.

12. Learn nothing. Just let your body absorb it all on your behalf.

13. Become no one. Just be more of yourself.

14. Change nothing. Just tell the truth and things will change by themselves.


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The Zen of Attraction
by Thomas J. Leonard
1. Promise nothing. Just do what you
most enjoy doing.
2. Sign nothing. Just do what doesn’t
require a signature of any kind.
3. Offer nothing. Just share what you
have with those who express an
4. Expect nothing. Just enjoy what you
already have; it’s plenty.
5. Need nothing. Just build up your
reserves and your needs will disappear.
6. Create nothing. Just respond well to
what comes to you.
7. Seduce no one. Just enjoy them.
8. Adrenalize nothing. Just add value
and get excited about that.
9. Hype nothing. Just let quality sell by
10. Fix nothing. Just heal yourself.
11. Plan nothing. Just take the path of
least resistance.
12. Learn nothing. Just let your body
absorb it all on your behalf.
13. Become no one. Just be more of
14. Change nothing. Just tell the truth
and things will change by themselves.
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