On September 28th my new Marketing for Hippies 101 program begins.
This program serves two purposes:
An introduction into my work. If you’ve never attended one of my Marketing for Hippies 101 workshops then this program is a fine chance to learn the basics because you get the video version of that workshop when you sign up.
A chance to apply the concepts. If you have attended my day-long workshop and are hoping for some support in integrating it and figuring out how it applies to your situation, this is best thing I’ve got going. The calls will not be me teaching the content. I will assume you’ve already got that walking in (because you’ve already attended my workshop or watched the video).
But why should you consider signing up?
Well, if it seems like a fit, there are seven, compelling reasons…
Compelling Reason #1: You Get the Full Footage From my Live, Marketing for Hippies 101 Workshop the moment you sign up.
While I was in Victoria, BC in 2014, I had Canadian film maker Ian Mackenzie record the latest version of my workshop so I could make it available to those who have never had the chance to attend my workshop and to whose cities I may, sadly, never come.
Before the program begins, you will be expected to watch this full two-and-half-hour video of this live workshop (and, for extra points, dive into the Bonus Materials you’ll learn about below).
When I do this workshop live, participants don’t get the advantage of being able to pause, rewind and watch it over again. And they haven’t gotten any of the bonus materials listed below. You can watch, streaming online or download to your computer.
Small Disclaimer: We forgot to mic the audience. For the most part I restate what they have said, but I miss it a few times. You’re not missing anything vital and it doesn’t happen much but I know this sort of thing can drive some people crazy. 🙂
Compelling Reason #2: Your Private Marketing for Hippies 101 Facebook Group
Built into this program is a private Facebook group where you can connect with others who are going through the same program. You’ll be able to share your wins and put out requests for support in where you’re stuck. We’ll also use this group during the Office Hours calls as a virtual poster-board.
Compelling Reason #3: Customized, “Get-Your-Questions-Answered” Weekly Office Hours.
Each week, you’ll get to partake in a 90-minute group call where we will dig into the content you learned. These calls will be structured entirely on your questions. We will cover whatever aspects of the content were most interesting and/or confusing to you. You’ll hear my personal thoughts on how those principles might apply to you and your situation.
From September 29th – November 2nd, 2016, you’ll be able to phone into the Office Hours group conference call and speak to me personally to share your progress and get reflections from myself and everyone else on the call about how to work on the areas in which you might be stuck. I’ll communicate with as many people as I can in the 90 minutes. Think of it as a group coaching call.
These calls will all be recorded.Weekly office hours from 12:00pm – 1:30pm PST/3:00pm – 4:30pm EST every Wednesday from September 28th through November 2nd. So that means six calls on Wednesdays September 28th, October 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th and November 2nd. Make sure you double check the time zone to make sure you’re able to make the calls. Calls will be recorded if you’re ever not able to make the call or want to re-listen to it.
Compelling Reason #4: Three Carefully Crafted Bonus Materials to Help You Deepen Your Understanding
Not only do you get the full footage off the core content from my Marketing for Hippies 101 workshop, you’ll also get these three extras.
PLUS: you’ll also get the complete 25 page transcript from this workshop.
Bonus #2: The Complete Marketing for Hippies 101 Transcript
Don’t find watching videos the easiest way to learn?
You’ll also get the complete, 53 page written transcript (in PDF format) of the Victoria workshop to review, highlight and scribble on (if you print it out!) at your leisure.
PLUS: you’ll also get the full digital audio files in case you want to just listen to this workshop.
Bonus #3: The Marketing for Hippies 101 Workbook & Bonus Reading
Want to dig deeper into the material?
Then you’ll enjoy this 44 pages of bonus reading and exercises to more fully explore the content you’ll learn in the videos.
Compelling Reason #5: Lifetime Membership – Audit for Free Whenever I Hold This Program Next
I’m planning to run this program at least once a year for a while to come. Whenever I run it, you’re welcome to join in gratis. No charge. Fully on the house as if you were a full paying member. Your signing up for this makes you a lifetime member of this program.
Compelling Reason #6: Spread Out Over Six-Weeks
When people attend my live workshops, they get all of this content but they don’t get all of the additional support you’re getting here to help them integrate it. I run that day-long workshop on a pay-what-you-can basis meaning people give me a $25 deposit to confirm their spot and then pay me whatever they want to pay at the very end based on what they thought it was worth. I’ve received as little as $5 (with an incredibly kind note about how this was genuinely all she could afford) and as much as $600.
But, when people ask me what I would charge for this day-long workshop, I feel very at ease in saying $200. For most people if they were to get even one repeat client from what they learned it would mean at least $200 and likely much more. So you’re getting the content plus additional support and coaching in integrating it into your business.
Compelling Reason #7: Cheap Like Borscht
I am pricing this program low for a few reasons. On the selfish level, it’s pretty simple.
I want this to be a no brainer for you to sign up.
I don’t want to have to spend a lot of time marketing this or convincing anyone it’s a good idea.
So that’s the main reason.
Plus, if you like this material, which represents my core “take” on marketing then you’ll be more likely to sign up for other more expensive programs of mine and maybe want to hire me one on one. You’ll be more likely to buy my eBooks. You’ll be more likely to spread the word about me to your colleagues.
On the altruistic level, this is material I simply want to see out there. If you get a handle on your marketing, not only will you make more money, you’ll show other people that making money doing what you love is possible. You’ll also, because you’re savvier about marketing, be better at helping your friends with their marketing. I dream of a movement of marketing savvy social entrepreneurs who are able to make green, sustainable and holistic things seem normal instead of making normal things seem green, sustainable and holistic.
Plus, I’ve had so many people tell me they want to attend a workshop of mine but that they couldn’t travel to Canada to attend. So, I’m trying to make this material more accessible to a wider audience.