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Radical Business Intensive Participants 2017

Radical Business Intensive Participants 2017

You can read all about it and register HERE. Edmonton. January 26-29th, 2017.

Tad Hargrave – Your host and facilitator:

TadHargrave_2016Tad is a hippy who developed a knack for marketing (and then learned how to be a hippy again.) For almost a decade, he has been touring his marketing workshops around Canada, bringing refreshing and unorthodox ideas to conscious entrepreneurs and green businesses that help them grow their organizations and businesses (without selling their souls). 

He does improv comedy semi-professionally, co-runs Edmonton’s progressive community building network TheLocalGood.ca, founded treetcarshows.com, indigodrinks.ca, socialyogiyeg.com, and the Jams program of yesworld.org. He speaks Scottish Gaelic and helps to run novascotiagaelsjam.com and is also a huge Doctor Who nerd. 

Tad currently lives in Edmonton, Alberta (traditionally known, in the local indigenous language of the Cree, as Amiskwaciy (Beaver Hill) and later Amiskwaciwaskihegan (Beaver Hill House) and his ancestors come primarily from Scotland with some from the Ukraine as well. He is drawn to conversations around politics, history, ancestry, healing and how those all intersect.

You can learn more about Tad and his work at marketingforhippies.com and nichingspiral.com

The Participants:

LeviDargerLevi Darger

Levi is a heart-centred renaissance man who colours outside the lines a lot.

Levi helps emotionally frustrated entrepreneurs break free and find purpose, presence, and personal power without compromising their prosperity.


HadassahFosterHadassah Foster

Hadassah is an educational advocate who works with families and professionals to ensure that students who learn differently have the services and supports necessary to become successful adults.

Hadassah started this work when her own daughter was diagnosed with fibromyalgia before she was 8 (she’ll be 22 soon). After reaching out for help in several online communities, she began giving back and helping others. Four years ago,Hadassah listened to family and friends, left her fundraising work at the University of Southern California and began her private practice. Best choice she’s ever made.

An example of Hadassah’s work is in this short case-study: Fourteen months ago, the parents of a 7 year old child asked for her help in getting the student into an ordinary, regular education classroom at the local school. The essential problem was that, besides the fact that the child was on the Autism Spectrum, their first language was Taiwanese Mandarin, not English. And yet, all educational decisions were being made on the faulty belief that since student’s IQ was evaluated in English only, the student was seriously cognitively impaired. The goal of integration was accomplished after 14 months of meetings, letters, and passionate advocacy. handhassociatesusa.com


MelanyJamesMelany James, BPE, RYT

Melany is the owner of Soul Strength Yoga and Fitness, a Personal Fitness Trainer, a Yoga Instructor, and Wellness Consultant. She was a Lole Ambassador 2014-2016.

Melany has built a career pursuing her lifelong passion for wellness. Her passion first solidified after becoming a cancer survivor at age 17. This journey lead to the decision that she wanted to enjoy her work, whatever it was she decided to pursue, and she wanted to be happy in life. At age 35, Melany was once again reminded how short life is when her mother passed away suddenly at a young age.

By openly sharing her experiences with others, Mel hopes to inspire people to “wake up” and live each moment to the fullest. She encourages her clients to take back personal control of their health and helps them to recognize the often overlooked connectedness of mind and body. Mel believes that everyone’s journey to success is personal and individual. Her passion leads her to develop strong relationships and seek out the unique story that will form the basis in developing successful programs to support people on their own personal journeys. soulstrength.ca


KatieJolicoeurKatie Jolicoeur

Katie started Be Free Yoga two years ago in Spruce Grove, Alberta with the dream of creating a safe space where you are seen, a space that feels like home for you to explore your yoga practice and dive deeper into your self.

Katie is passionate about making yoga accessible while still challenging you through body and mind. Her approach to the practice is based around keeping things simple, giving you space to explore and break through your self perceived limitations.

Katie is an ambassador for Lululemon and the founder of the Be Free Project, a not-for-profit bringing yoga and meditation to those affected by mental health.

Katie is a creator of community and enjoys making connections with all she meets. When not on her yoga mat you can find her playing amongst nature or with her horses. befreeyoga.ca


GaelMcCoolGael McCool

Gael is an author, inspirational teacher, and transformational life coach specializing in the psychological and spiritual potential of Enlightened Emotional Living.

A Registered Clinical Counselling Hypnotherapist, Gael is also Certified as a Master Life Coach, Social and Emotional Intelligence Coach, and Spiritual Intelligence Coach.

Gael’s company FEEL Inc. offers individual coaching, corporate consulting and group workshops. ifeelmorenow.com


SarahSalterKellySarah Salter Kelly

Sarah is a Shaman.

Her job is to guide you into the parts of your life’s journey which still hold pain, and seek the information you need to bring forth understanding, awareness and compassion.

This is the Medicine that heals your soul. sarahsalterkelly.com


JanetWaldonJanet Waldon

Janet is an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) and member of the International Coach Federation; her credentialing has been attained though coursework with both the Coaches Training Institute and the Centre for Transformational Presence. For over 35 years she worked in a variety of leadership settings: small businesses, museums, historic sites, theatres, churches, retreat centres, schools, museums, corporations, provincial and federal government offices.

Janet is a third-generation entrepreneur and she values community. She has experience as an artist, consultant and a brink-and-mortar retailer. She is energized by start-ups and the challenges of forging a new path; she understand the tenacity it takes to mix leadership and logistics. As a personal coach Janet has a powerful ability to hold space and create respectful, challenging learning opportunities for others.
If you are interested in expanding your boundaries, standing tall and finding ways to express the independent qualities that make you uniquely you. janetwaldon.com

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