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The Living Room Sessions Participants 2019

You can read all about it and register HERE. Edmonton. February 14-17, 2019.

Tad Hargrave – Your host and facilitator:

Tad is a hippy who developed a knack for marketing (and then learned how to be a hippy again.) For almost a decade, he has been touring his marketing workshops around Canada, bringing refreshing and unorthodox ideas to conscious entrepreneurs and green businesses that help them grow their organizations and businesses (without selling their souls). 

He does improv comedy semi-professionally, co-runs Edmonton’s progressive community building network TheLocalGood.ca, founded treetcarshows.com, indigodrinks.ca, socialyogiyeg.com, and the Jams program of yesworld.org. He speaks Scottish Gaelic and helps to run novascotiagaelsjam.com and is also a huge Doctor Who nerd. 

Tad currently lives in Edmonton, Alberta (traditionally known, in the local indigenous language of the Cree, as Amiskwaciy (Beaver Hill) and later Amiskwaciwaskihegan (Beaver Hill House) and his ancestors come primarily from Scotland with some from the Ukraine as well. He is drawn to conversations around politics, history, ancestry, healing and how those all intersect.

You can learn more about Tad and his work at marketingforhippies.com and nichingspiral.com

The Participants:


Janna Lee Childs: I am an intutitve engery healer with a life path of honouring the spirit within all beings, with all experiences, with all physical presentations.   

I have witnessed and believe in the incredible potential and resilience  of the human spirit. It inspires me every day.



John Freebury: I’m a jack of all trades, master of none. I have years of experience in the arts and cultural sector, database design and SQL, business administration. I have studied permaculture design and executed a number of projects in that area. I’ve lived and worked internationally in search of a deeper awareness of sustainable living and lifestyle design. However, I really suck at marketing, period.



Michelle Gabriel brings her decades of experience to her select passion-powered entrepreneurs to create dynamic, profitable and heart-centered practices.



Heidi Plamping: Hi. I’m Heidi. I live in Cochrane, Alberta. I have a beautiful fur baby named Storm. I’m a Digital Marketing Consultant and Owner of Dynamic Peak Media. I love to travel. I love nature. The mountain and water renews my energy and I hope to one day be living on an acreage, ranch or farm in the mountains. I am a yogi, a vegetarian and a lover of Mother Earth. I enjoy opening myself up to new experiences and I strive to learn more about spirituality and living consciously.


Serena Rivet has devoted her life to building sustainable environments. As A Permaculture Student, Journeyman Scaffolder and Carpenter, she brings her decades of connection and love for our Earth to life with her new Community Garden and Soulutions project.

In the Greenhouse, you can expect discovery, community, heart and true transformation.

Powered by passion and love for what’s possible.


Chantel Schmidt: Who am I? The answer has changed over the years. I used to be someone desperate to fit in, mostly into a skin-tight pair of jeans. I was weight obsessed, constantly trying to find myself on a scale. I never did find her there or at the bottom of a bag of chips or a bottle of wine. I know the pain of searching for acceptance on the outside only to find I had been searching in all the wrong places. So who am I? I’m a freedom fighter, a myth buster, a rule breaker, and a truth seeker. I value authenticity, making a difference, and compassion.

What lights me up is watching people find their own light and confidence that comes from within. Also, I rarely wear a matching pair of socks, cause why try to fit in when you can stand out. Actually, I hate to stand out I’m an introvert, so maybe my feet like to stand out?

What you get when you work with me is an honest, authentic, and compassionate heart. A safe space to heal, learn and grow. I listen deeply and hear well beyond words. I’m intuitive, sensitive, and somewhat funny at least I think so. Mostly you get someone who believes in you when you don’t.


Eldyka Simpson: I am a Holistic Healer turned Birth Warrior turned Soulful Sister!

I have been providing holistic care to patients throughout Alberta since 1995. I hold certification in Acupuncture & Massage Therapy, and have extensive additional training in Craniosacral Therapy, meditation, pregnancy & fertility care, and sacred rituals. I effectively combine all modalities into my treatments, treating patients with a nurturing and intuitive spirit.

As a bodyworker, I work with patients from infancy and onward, honouring their journeys and offering support in whatever form is required. I believe deeply that all of my patients hold within themselves the ability to heal themselves.

As a doula, I empower clients throughout pregnancy, labour and into parenthood, to create an extraordinary birth experience. I believe in a new paradigm of birth – one where women are empowered and encouraged to find their inner strength.

As a facilitator of Soulful Sisterhood retreats and circles, I hold space for women to find authentic connections within themselves and their community, through deep reflection, release work and spiritual connection.

I care deeply.

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