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The Art of The Slow Launch With Bradley T. Morris



Here’s a pattern that I see that happens a lot when people go to launch something new: They get all revved up. It’s a bit frantic.  It’s panicked.  It’s flailing.  Everything is last minute.  It burns people out, and it also burns out their list. There’s a different way to approach this: The Art of the Slow Launch. It’s easier on your nervous system…and your email list. Bradley and I will show exactly how to do a launch that feels spacious and magical.  We suggest that you do these five hours all in one sitting.


Why do I price my work in USD? Read about that choice HERE.

This could be a perfect fit for you if you:

  • have something big, new and exciting you want to get out into the world.
  • aren’t in a rush to get it out – you’ve got at least six months. 
  • are willing to spend five hours going through this course + a week of focused effort on the planning (after that it’s just a little bit every day).
  • are not averse to detailed planning, spreadsheets etc. 
  • have an assistant or are willing to hire someone to help you in implementing this
  • are not planning to build a business model on launching something big and new any more often than once a year (at the very most)

The Core Philosophy And Approach: 

Why ‘Slow Launch’?

Slow means you don’t try to pack it all into the last week.  It extends.  So it’s a bit longer and the pace of it is slower, and also your own internal pace is slow. 

In essence it comes down to this: have a plan. 

To add to that: start planning much earlier than you normally would. 

I’ve seen this so many times with plans.  

They have something they want to do and it’s months away.  They realize three weeks before that they haven’t actually done anything to promote it, or if they have, it hasn’t worked and their program is basically empty. 

So then they get busy.

And now it’s two weeks and still nobody.  

They say “Oh, I’ll try anyway.  I’m going to push it really hard.”  

And, in the end, they either cancel it at the last minute or they go ahead with a group that is much too small. 

But at the beginning is where almost all the work needs to happens.  Six months before not three weeks before. That’s when you lay the foundation for everything, write most of the emails, figure out the strategy, map out the content that you’re going to share that’s going to be adding value, map out the promotion. 

You do this all well in advance so that by the time it’s ready to press ‘go,’ it’s easy.  You only need to do a little bit to do every day instead of a lot to do in the last couple of weeks.  

That’s the key.

What Bradley and I are suggesting here is taking a much longer view.  Not being lost in the tactics and applying tactics, but being really diligent about the strategy (and doing that much further in advance) so that it’s a gentler approach for everyone.  It’s no fun for clients to be on the receiving end of a sudden volley of dozens of panicked emails begging them to sign up and spread the word.

But if it’s spread out over time with maybe a little push at the end, that’s fine.  There is not so much burden.  And, if you’ve gotten partners involved to help promote your work, then there is less burden on your own email list too. 

This is the idea: there’s not so much burden on any one person, any one thing, any one period of time.  

It’s spread out and that spreading it out makes it much more sustainable.  

So this The Art of The Slow Launch.  

I recommend thinking about that when you’re going to be launching something into the world.  

Plan it out.  

Spread it out so that you cannot hit the ground running, but hit the ground walking

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