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Hub Marketing eBook



This 237-page eBook may be the most practical and important eBook on marketing that I’ve ever written. Hub Marketing is the core concept and practice that I have used to grow my own business and use to help my clients grow theirs. Hub Marketing is about putting your marketing where people are already looking and listening.


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Hub Marketing eBook & Workbook

This eBook may be the most practical and important eBook on marketing that I’ve ever written.

Hub Marketing is the core concept and practice that I have used to grow my own business and help my clients grow theirs.

  • Hub Marketing is about putting your marketing where people are already looking and listening.
  • Hub Marketing is about finding the people, places, groups and events that are already well connected to and deeply respected by your ideal clients and marketing there.
  • Hub Marketing is about getting the people your ideal clients trust most to do your marketing for you.

Hub Marketing can take any tactic you were thinking of using and have it work ten times better for you. Yes. Ten times. No. I’m not exaggerating.

I’ve known so many clients who feel totally paralyzed about where to even start in their marketing.

How do they reach their ideal clients?

Where do they find them?

How do they get their attention when there’s so much competition?

How do they cut through the noise?

Mostly, these clients struggle because they haven’t identified who they’re trying to reach – they haven’t sorted out their niche.

But sometimes it’s not.

Sometimes it’s because they haven’t identified what I would call the “hubs” for their crowd.

Most entrepreneurs that I come across are using what I call Cold Marketing.

At this level, you start with people you know and then . . . you quickly run out. And then we’re left with approaching people “cold.” Meaning, they totally don’t know us.

No relationship.

We’re talking to strangers about our business.

At this level we’re just getting our name out there. We’re talking to everyone we can. We’re attending random mixers, business luncheons and networking events. We’re asking our clients to “tell their friends” about us (when we remember to do it).  We might even be cold calling (ugh). But the challenge with this level is that it’s incredibly time consuming and not that effective. And that leaves us feeling desperate and in a constant level of crisis.

But there’s another level possible. I call it Warm Marketing (or Hub Marketing).

At this level, you start to realize the power of using “hubs.”  We realize that our ideal clients are already spending their time, money and attention in other places. There are certain events and locations we’re most likely to find them at. There are certain magazines, blogs and websites they check out.

There are certain people that are already well connected to and respected by our target markets.

So we start attending targeted events and connecting with the right people. We strategically build relationships with key hubs. This is a huge leap for most businesses. At this level, when you approach people they are “warm” to you because they’ve already heard about you from someone they trust.

This eBook will help you to:

  • Identify the seven major types of hubs (you wouldn’t believe what you might be overlooking).
  • Figure out exactly how to keep track of your hubs (so critical! most people are crap at this).
  • Know how to approach hubs so that they’re most likely to want to support and promote you.
  • Figure out how to build your relationships with your hubs over time (this is so important).
  • Understand, through dozens of real-life examples, how Hub Marketing can work.
  • Learn how becoming a hub can transform your business (and the hidden dangers in this).

BONUS! The Hub Marketing Workbook is include for free with this eBook. This workbook guides you through the best, most useful questions I’ve come up with over the years while working with hundreds of entrepreneurs to help them figure their own hubs out.

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