I’ve been working on a new eBook called Point of View Marketing: The Subtle, Underestimated & Credibility-Building Power of Articulating Why You Do What You Do the Way You Do It.
I’m really proud of how it’s coming along. I think it will be done by the end of the month.
So I thought I’d sit down to record a video distilling the key points so you could get a sense of where I’m headed with this and so that I could get your thoughts and reflections on it as I work to finish the eBook.
You can watch the video below.
[vsw id=”135EiPwiJUo” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]
I have three, upcoming teleseminars delving into this material. You can learn about them here: marketingforhippies.com/povteleseminar
I also have a 30-Day Point of View Challenge starting on May 17th. You can learn about that here: marketingforhippies.com/pov30day (no longer available on it’s own, is now part of the membership).
If you have any ideas, stories, reflections or questions, please post them below and there’s a good chance they’ll make it into the eBook or at least help to shape it.