POV Marketing 101 Webinar
A Two Hour, Foundational Webinar On The Subtle, Underestimated & Credibility Building Power of Articulating Why You Do What You Do The Way You Do It
Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024
10am-12pm Pacific (convert timezone here)
COST: $25 USD (Replay will be sent to those who can’t make it)
This webinar is included in the membership, no need to register here.
A NOTE ABOUT AI BOT ATTENDANCE: Please note that we do not allow bot attendance on your behalf. You can either attend the webinar in person, and/or watch the replay when we provide that link after the webinar. If you send an AI bot please note that we will remove that bot from the webinar.
The Spring Semester of the Marketing for Hippies membership is kicking off on this April with a three-month focus on “Point of View Marketing.”
In the lead up to this, we are running a two-hour webinar to give you a sense of the content we’ll be covering (and some ideas you can use right away whether you join us or not).
If you’ve been following my work for any amount of time, then you’ve heard me talk about the importance of point of view in marketing.
Aside from niche, point of view is the missing element in 90% of the businesses I come across.
This webinar is all about the secret to marketing without pitching or pressure.
It’s based on these ideas:
- If they don’t buy your diagnosis, they won’t buy your prescription.
- If they don’t buy the concept, they won’t buy the course.
- If they don’t buy the premise, they won’t believe your promise.
- If they don’t buy the perspective, they won’t buy your program.
When I say “point of view,” I mean: your perspective, philosophy, take on thing, approach, cosmology, system, world-view, core principles, voice, values, map, compass, and route.
Your niche is central to relevance, whereas your point of view is absolutely central to trust and credibility.
So, then what’s your point of view?
Think of best sellers like The Four Agreements, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People or Loving What Is.
What do they all have in common? A clear point of view.
Think of enduring perspectives on health and healing like the medicine wheel, the Chinese meridian system and five elements or the chakra system.
What do they all have in common? A clear point of view.
Think of the work you do and what got you into it. My guess is that it was a clear perspective you resonated with that made sense of your world and your struggles.
Bottom line: The clearer your perspective, the more potent your marketing will be to attract your ideal clients and actively repel people who aren’t a good fit for you.
A clear point of view will enable you to feel more confident in your business and craft better offers for your clients. A clear point of view is the basis for every piece of content you will ever create.
But a clear point of view doesn’t just happen.
It has to be cultivated and crafted with as much care as you would take in helping your finest client.
This webinar is a fine place to start.
This Webinar Might Be A Perfect Fit For You IF:
- you’re curious about what POV marketing is and want to learn more.
resonate with the idea of ethical marketing.
- have strong opinions about your work and the nature of the problems your clients face (even if you have a hard time articulating them or are scared to share them) or…
- are willing to focus on a particular niche for three months (with no need to change anything on your website at all) and hone your opinions about it (with no pressure to ever share them publicly).
- Have at least one piece of strong hippie street cred 😉
This Webinar Might NOT Be A Good Fit For You If:
- You have already purchased and dug into my Point of View Webinars as sold on my website as the content will be very similar.
- You understand the theory of Point of View Marketing but are now needing some structure, accountability and support in translating and implementing it.
In This Two-Hour Webinar, You Will Learn:
- What POV Marketing Is
- Three Simple POV Revealing Questions
- Sixteen Reasons Why POV Matters
- Where POV Marketing fits in your overall strategy
- My Four-Part, 60 Min Signature Workshop Formula

"Tad has a way of making marketing human."
“I have years of corporate marketing experience, but got so much out of this POV workshop. Tad has a way of making marketing human. It’s about getting to know ourselves and what we believe to see if we can find people out there who align with us. I just joined his community and am really exciting about diving into some conversations and hearing more from Tad. He is a breath of fresh air in a world with way too much static.”
Tracey Miller, womenswellnessxchange.com

“This was one of the most fruitful webinars I have attended. ”
“Tad, I had a gnawing feeling that something was missing after I launched my business last month. This webinar brought it right out into the open – I didn’t have a clear route. No wonder I was a bit unnerved about what to do next! Now that I know, I can begin the process of identifying it and communicating it. Thank you so very much! This was one of the most fruitful webinars I have attended. I see the place that was missing for me so I am unstuck! This is a huge gift! Thank you!”
Deb Vail, Grandparentsoftheforest.com
"Tad has a way of making marketing human."
If you’d like to craft your own authentic, emerging, and powerful marketing, join TAD and his POV marketing. With all the pieces he prepared with love, it is a joy to learn and DIY!
Lucie Marcoux, rhessentiel.com
"Thank you for clearly following your values and putting so much free stuff out there so that I can hone mine.
I’ve followed your work for years, Tad. You, your style, values and POV all resonate with me. Today at the POV workshop, I realized that NOW that I’m 3+ yrs into my truest heart work, I am ready to market (and let me be clear how I’ve avoided doing so for decades!). I finally have a business with clients I love and care about, and I come to it each day now clear that I have more to give. Today’s workshop with you met me at the right moment. Thank you for clearly following your values and putting so much free stuff out there so that I can hone mine. Very grateful for your work in the world.
Sherri Cannon, sherricannon.com

"The exercises were simple, to the point and very helpful to do."
“Tad, I really enjoyed this! The exercises were simple, to the point and very helpful to do. Also the amount of time you gave us was I think an effective amount of time for each – to actually produce real work but the energy of the call still kept on pace. It was really an enjoyable experience and didn’t feel like a chore like ‘workbook’ questions sometimes do. Your tone and cadence of speech is relaxed and easy going yet clear, concise and instructive.”
Sarah Regenspan

".I feel closer than I have in years to understanding what I have to offer."
“I was having a really hard time with my niche statement for one aspect of my business. Tad pointed out it may be a point of view thang . . . and just from an hour and a half call I feel closer than I have in years to understanding what I have to offer, and how to have others understand it. An unfolding . . . I started with what I knew. I drew columns and wrote it out on a paper: Island A, Boat, Island B, Map, Compass, Route and filled in what I did know, leaving me free to ponder the sections that need more clarity. There are pieces I really don’t have – yet – (Island A or B, or a map) but there are some that I do (Boat, Compass/principles and route) . . . and now there’s a place for these things that have rolling around in my head. So thanks. Exciting Awesomeness!”
Natt Forrest, Forrest Communications.ca

"Tad Hargrave is super brilliant at showing you how to navigate both the mind and heart, to ensure that that they both join together at the end of your marketing process."
“Sometimes, one of the tricky things with marketing is how to weave everything together into a coherent whole, so that everything is aligned, and not only makes sense in our Customer’s head, but also appeals and feels right to their heart. As well as being one of the best marketing guys I have ever discovered, very knowledgeable, supportive and approachable . . . Tad Hargrave is super brilliant at showing you how to navigate both the mind and heart, to ensure that that they both join together at the end of your marketing process. The map, the route, the process, the principles, the metaphor, the vision… he helps you to weave it altogether so that it makes total sense . . . and the end result, your business shifts into a totally different space and focus.”
Brian Parsons

"This was helpful for my thinking about what we do and how we do it."
“This was helpful for my thinking about what we do and how we do it, and I loved that it wasn’t just you being a talking head – that you gave us time to work on specifics, and also got to see what other people were thinking and working on.”
Michelle Murrain, consciousgirlfriend.com

"It was amazing how fast ideas came forward, and how much better I could articulate my offerings"
“I loved this. I appreciated how it was interactive and engaging. Instead of just talking or thinking about things, I got to write them down, and share them. I found it easy to access my creative mind and it was amazing how fast ideas came forward, and how much better I could articulate my work/offerings. Thank you!”
Christine Yole, christineyole.com

"I was able to move forward on a crucial step that I have been procrastinating on for months!"
“Thank you Tad. You are one of few professionals I trust to not only deliver on your promises but to exceed my expectations for quality and quantity offered. This teleseminar offered not only valuable tips and actions steps, but you actually gave us the time and loving but firm encouragement to take immediate action while on the call. As a result, I was able to move forward on a crucial step that I have been procrastinating on for months! That alone was worth the price of the call. I’m amazed at how well you balanced delivering valuable content, time for us to work on the steps, and personalized attention and answers to our questions. All without any annoying/pushy sales pitch. I was able to come to the conclusion that I’m not a perfect match for this particular program but I got a ton of value from this call and feel confident that any future program or product you offer will be well worth the price.”
Mzima Scadeng

"Your guidance is clear, tangible and actionable, right this moment."
“Thank you Tad for a practical, interactive, engaging 90 minute session. I walked away with some real value and can see all you shared being an integrated part of everything I do moving forward, not just the immediate short term. Your guidance is clear, tangible and actionable, right this moment. Great value, absolutely worth the time and investment.”
Shaun Mavronicolas

“This was very useful seminar for someone who is just starting out with her niche."
“This was very useful seminar for someone who is just starting out with her niche. I found suggestions for the immediate future and for long term, including encouraging us to find support, creating actions, and simple cash flow tactics. it was well worth the money.”
Maggie Marshall, marshallhealing.com