I was just chatting with my colleague and dear friend Javan Bernakevitch of Permaculture BC. He dropped me a line of facebook asking for help in spreading the word on a course he was doing. It’s a course he’s told me about and that I know is brilliant.
Javan: Hey bud, I’m offering the core of the personal niche course and, personal function finding course as a stream cast on October 8th with Nicole. Would you be willing to post the below? My bud Javan is offering an elegant process on how to understand your skills, function and niche… what you need to consider before your business model on October 8th and you can stream it from your house for $10, this is $100 deal for $10. Check it out. http://bit.ly/1CurpfO
PERMANOMICS! Right Livelihood: Using Permaculture and Holistic Management to design a profitable and high quality life permaculturebc.com TICKETS for IN-PERSON attendance OR, ON-LINE Live Streamed Broadcast attendance here: http://permanomics.eventbrite.ca/Living the new Economy-Victoria, BC, Education in Action Series Presents:Tad: the word ‘function’… i don’t think anyone will understand it
Javan: Function in the ad copy?
Tad: yeah. i’d cut that word or find another way to say it. i think it’s a permie word that permies would get but will totally lose other people. like why would would someone want to ‘My bud Javan is offering an elegant process on how to understand your skills, function and niche’ – what would that give them? What’s the impact of that? What are they wanting from that? I even think ‘niche’ may be too jargony without a certain context around it
Javan: Thanks for that feedbacK. Would something like, “My bud Javan is offering an elegant process on how to interpret the intersection your skills, future goals and the local world problems that make you grit your teeth as potential to discover the reason you’re on this planet.”?
Tad: better! or “Ever look at the world and wonder what you can do to make it better? My friend Javan has a special genius is helping people identify their best skills, local problems in their communities, their goals and interests and turn them into projects that can get them moving (and maybe even make them some income or turn into a business. If you feel like there’s something you want to do but feel stuck in terms of what that might look like, you should check out…”
Javan: You could do this for a living.
Tad: I don’t know… I’m not sure how i’d articulate it… HAYoh!