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pay what you can, gift economy, sliding scale and barter

My colleague Aumatma has run a ‘gift economy’ style naturopathic clinic for two and a half years. For years, I’ve run most of my workshops on a pay what you can basis.

After all, imagine having your clients not only rave about what you do but also how you charge for it.

What if you never had to feel even a little bit uncomfortable about your pricing ever again?

What if you could balance your desire to stay accessible (helping those who need you most), stay true to your politics and your need to be financially sustainable (making sure your needs are met to).

We’d love to get your help with two things . . .

THING #1 – Examples of businesses and projects that work on a pay what you can, gift economy, sliding scale and barter basis (in part or entirely). If you’ve tried to work with these models, what have you found? What have you learned?

THING #2 – What are your biggest questions or wonderings around these kinds of alternative pricing models?

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