How to create an instantly memorable, attention grabbing business name that gets people talking
I’ve been wanting to write this blog for so long.
It’s about what to name your business.
Your business name matters. A good name is memorable and easy to repeat which gives you good word of mouth. A good name can help identify your niche (or at least resonate strongly with it).
Now, this isn’t what I suggest for every business. But I think it could be useful to a lot of businesses.
It started when I began to notice a pattern in some business names that grabbed me.
I noticed that certain business names contained two contrasting elements that you normally wouldn’t put together.
In my case, ‘marketing for hippies’.
Now, that has only been my official business name for two and half years. But I’ve been doing it for almost 12 years. So, what was my business name before that?
. . . Exactly.
No one can remember.
It was ‘Radical Business’. But my website was (and contained the worst picture of me known to man (and no I won’t show it to you)).
But, when people would ask me, ‘So, what do you do?’ I’d always joke that I did ‘marketing for hippies’. (Actually, I used to joke that I was a drug dealer or a shepherd or a high society jewel thief at first . . . #entertainingforme).
When I’d say, ‘marketing for hippies’ I’d get a few consistent reactions. The first was that they’d laugh. The second was that they’d say, ‘isn’t that kind of an oxymoron?’ or ‘Boy. They sure need that.”
And then I began to hear other names that had me give a similar reaction. A sense of surprise at two contrasting elements together that I wouldn’t have expected to find together. I noticed that those names felt like they had some real energy to them. Some fight. Some vim and vinegar. They gave me a really clear overall feeling of what this business was about. Often in two or three words. So, I started keeping track of them when I heard them.
And I noticed that when a colleague was thinking of naming himself the ‘hippie healer’ that I didn’t like it. It seemed flat. Why? I expect healers to be hippies. There’s no surprise there. It goes with my expectations not against them. It didn’t make me pause or think. Same with ‘heart-healing’ or ‘conscious-healing’. It’s two similar notions. So it feels repetitive. They both disappear.
It can be fun to see if you can weave contrast and conflict into your name. Here’s how it relates to Niche. If a niche is your place in the world . . . and if we all act as a kind of bridge between different communities and worlds – then sometimes that is our niche. We bring the best qualities of each world to the other. Marketing World + Hippie World.
Just food for thought. But you might ask yourself: what are the seemingly contrasting worlds I love being a part of? And could my niche and role be to bring them together?
What follows is the list of business names I collected. Not all of them are real businesses. Some of them are just names I wish I could have given someone’s business (not even saying my idea is a good idea in their case but noticing that this is what I would call it). Where possible, I’ve linked the name to the website. Notice which ones grab your attention.
Remember: A key to good word of mouth is getting people’s attention.
And few things get attention like a contradiction.
A contradiction is like having a positive and negative pole that creates an arc of energy between them.
The biker shaman is the name I wish I could have given to as homeboy used to be a hardcore biker for like four years. And now he’s a shaman! Holy shit.
Kris Karr created a powerful documentary called Crazy Sexy Cancer. I don’t think anyone would ever normally associate sexy with cancer.
Even though I really hate the notion, I saw a group on facebook about the ‘enlightened billionaire. You wouldn’t expect spiritually enlightenment and financial opulence to go together. I personally hate everything about that idea but it’s a good example of what we’re talking about.
Met a fellow in Calgary who used to be a wrestler and now he does meditation trainings and his business name? Wrestling with Consciousness.
One of my pals in Edmonton runs an amazing non profit that brings people powered music and immense, people-engaging creativity to live community events. The Project name? Music is a Weapon. Music + weapons? I’m interested! I like the controversy and conversation this starts. So much better (in my mind) than something like, ‘the community based music project’. Boooooring. As Lucas Coffey, one of the group’s founders puts it, “We never get sick of watching people’s minds twist into knots when we tell them we are “music is a weapon”, then give them a big hug!”
What if you’re a hardcore feminist but you actually love the idea of being a stay at home mom? Well then you’ll love Radical Homemakers. Or what about the notion of ‘urban homesteading‘. I just saw someone with the twitter name ‘bitchin’ housewife‘.
I like this one too – ‘The Socialchange Diva’.
Or how about Burlesque Church?
Ron Berezan does permaculture and landscaping based on growing food in cities. The natural name? The Urban Farmer.
How about the Ice Age Farmer?
Want a meditation and mindful living path but find most teachers too dull? You might enjoy or Buddhist Bootcamp
Love yoga but tired of going to yoga classes that don’t accommodate the fact that you’re not thin as a twig and have you feel like you don’t belong? Enter Tiina Veer’s amazing Yoga for Round Bodies. But there are so many other interesting examples with yoga too that I’ve heard of: yoga for . . . rednecks, cowboys. Dubstep Yoga. Ganja Yoga. Yoga for Heavy Metal Rockers. Yoga + Chocolate. So many surprising things yoga can be combined with.
The whole Slow Food movement is a mild version of this. We’re a society raised with ‘fast food’ so it can be surprising to hear the words ‘slow food’ together. But it immediately, as a contrast to ‘fast food’ let’s you know what it’s about.
Oxymoron – yoga niches and slow food
Edmonton just got a great new local food restaurant that combines the best sensibilities of the city and the country. It’s called The Prairie Bistro.
Visionary activist Caroline Casey often speaks about the importance of wedding these contrasts in life together. An example she often gives is of becoming a ‘disciplined wild person’.
What about a course called, ‘Dating for Nerds.’
One of my colleagues in Winnipeg just sent me word of a course she was running, ‘Divorcing with Dignity – Learn How to Mindfully Separate and Maintain your Integrity’. When’s the last time you heard of divorce and immediately had the word ‘dignity’ come to mind. Never. That’s when. “We had such a dignified divorce!” said no one ever.
In fact, most of the “_______ for Dummies” books embody this oxymoron principle in a way. The thought is, “I’m a dummy. I could never do or learn this.”
My friend and colleague Jeff Golfman is a passionate raw vegan. He wanted to do some kind of project around that but couldn’t figure out what. We were sitting in his car one day and he said, “I don’t want to write another recipe book. That’s been done. I don’t want to write about the science behind it. That’s already done.” What struck me was that Jeff has one of the coolest lifestyles of anyone I know. He travels a lot. He meets famous people. And it struck me that he had something to say about how to not just be a raw vegan but also how to bring the cool lifestyle piece into it. How do you travel and be vegan? How do you deal with thanksgiving? How do you deal with all the lifestyle issues? How do you not come across as a judgmental prick. “Why don’t you call it something like the cool vegetarian?” And The Cool Vegetarian video blog was born.
Kris Ward runs a business called Abundant Yogi. Simple. Brilliant.
Another colleague has a business called Healers Who Prosper.
I met some young people from Asia who had a project called Peace Revolution. Peace + Revolution? Tell me more.
One of my colleagues toyed with the idea of creating a business called Yoga Tramp because she loved yoga but she also loved partying, sexuality and having fun.
I heard about a website called That has my interest. I normally don’t associate angels with grit.
One of my dearest colleagues in the world’s websites name says it all Most people see business as heartless. Not Mark Silver. Or what about Enlightened Marketing? Or my colleague Lynn Serafinn who wrote a book called The Seven Graces of Marketing. Or what about
I really love the name Selfish Goals that one of my clients was considering for her coaching practice. Most of us are raised to think selfishness is bad. So, to have a website endorsing this idea? Cool. And what about Selfish Giving? Selfish Contribution? Those could work as provocative names too.
And who wouldn’t love a website called Chocolate for Breakfast – Where Pleasure Meets Permission? Chocolate + breakfast? Hello!
Or how about The Blissiplined Life? Bliss + Discipline.
And what about Doesn’t that name immediately give you some ideas of who this priest is what they’re about? You immediately get that they aren’t the usual priest.
The wife of one of my clients had an idea for a business called Compassionate Rebels.
In London, England, there’s a coffee shop called ‘Ethical Addictions‘. The name says it all.
What about the Health Glutton? Or the Healthy Deviant?
Or the boxing school in Brazil called Fighting for Peace?
One of my clients had the idea to call her nutrition business The Healthy Hipster. It’s two bits of contrast (party hard hipsters with their tight jeans, penchants for local beer and late night shows) + health. And the name mentions the target group too! #winning
Oakland has City Slicker Farms and The People’s Grocery.
Charles Eisenstein wrote a book called, Sacred Economics.
Dike Drummond burned out years ago as a Doctor and years later has created a business coaching MD’s on how not to burn out called, The Happy MD
Ottawa has a project called Hidden Harvest.
After I published this blog post I began to get some responses with even more ideas.
Karen Bray wrote: “My field is conflict resolution and star mediator Tammy Lenski has already bagged the best name ever – Conflict Zen. I saw what she did there, but it took this blog to realise I could use a similar technique to create something unique for myself. At the moment I’m conflict calming (cos people tell me conflict is scary). But I’m going to play around with some rebranding ideas. The Harmony Warrior, anyone?”
Aruna wrote: “I’ve always liked my business name without really understanding why. Young Yoga Masters is the opposite of what most imagine a yoga master to be. Thanks for the insightful post. I’m going to try this technique in my blog post titles too.”
Bianca Filoteo wrote: “Great post! And I loved that you shared so many other examples niche-focused business names. I came up with mine a few years ago: Video For Shy People. The funny thing was that I was really struggling what to name my business and as I was free-writing about what it would be about “video for shy people” just suddenly appeared. Everyone I’ve met so far has really loved the name :)”
Jaime wrote: “I think I got another one for you. Krister is in the process of changing his blog to”
Tea wrote: “My business name isn’t exactly oxymoronic, but it does bring together two unexpected ideas. The Word Chef was born from a realization that while I would never be a “real” chef, I was certainly someone who could cook up a pretty good marketing message. Words (and pictures) are the ingredients I play with. I think a lot of folks could discover a metaphor for what they do professionally inside of what they love to do for fun.”
Nicky wrote: “And I’d like you to know that: I read your article on Oxymoron’s for names and since them I’m thinking about the name: “Grief Guru” for my program. My friends have been jokingly calling me that. HA! But the premise for me is that each person can be their own Grief Guru as Guru simply means someone who brings in light where there was once darkness. Also toying with GrieveHappy”. I love grievehappy.
Marianne wrote: “My website is Peace Is Sexy; and the sub-categories I’ve got on there are Peace Is Possible, Peace Is Profitable and Peace Is Fun. I always great reactions from that. I just didn’t realize it was also my niche!”
The good Josh Stein started the Awkward Leadership School and also runs a course called The Compassionate Asshole.
I just came across The Sensible Mystic on Instagram. Or the Realistic Idealist was another one. Mark Cassle has The Cynical Coach. Or Intuition for Skeptics.
Or Selfish Freedom.
My colleague Dani Gardener started Quiet Marketing. Who thinks of combining the quiet world of introverts, shy folks and the highly sensitive with the typically loud world of marketing.
Alan Watts is The Love Engineer.
Michelle Whitehead runs Carefree Counsel.
My colleague Lara Eastburn’s tagline is ‘Speak Human. Win The Internet’. Most people don’t associate the internet or internet marketing with much humanity.
I received a comment on a video recently where they said, “I’ve just set up a community group called ‘The No1 Introverts Social Club – seems funnily audacious to call it this 😀 esp as an introvert …and also the social group/introvert aspect… will see how it goes!”
My friend Briana runs and my uncle told me of a book called Rational Optimist.
I just met the woman behind Mindful Marketing Retreats. Mindfulness and marketing? Why not.
On Instagram, I just saw the Hillbilly Witch.
I heard of a woman who had a business called Yoga + Beer. What a thing.
I recently heard of a medium whose life was a bit of a disaster (even though her mediumship was on point). She didn’t want to record videos at home because it was always such a mess. Instead of trying to fix her life (which she’d tried and failed to do many times) she decided to feature it. Her name? The Hot Mess Medium.
Want to try this with your own business?
Ask yourself . . .
What derogatory and negative qualities are most often associated with the topic you talk about? What qualities do YOU seek to bring in place of that?
Do you bring your boat to a different harbour/community? Do you bring your work to a different crowd who normally isn’t associated with this?
What are the two different worlds you’re trying to bring together?
If you have any other examples of contrasting business names, write them below in the comments.