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niche case study: birthing your sacred work

Tomar is such a wonderful down to Earth woman who’s so inspired about helping to shift things in the world in a positive direction. She participated in my last Niching for Hippies program and we got along like two peas in a pod because of our mutual distaste for overly hyped and pushy marketing.

Basically, Tomar works as a life coach. But that’s just the ‘boat’ that she uses to get her clients on their journey from Island A (where they have problems they don’t like) to Island B (where they get the solutions they crave). And there are so many ‘life coaches’ out there. So many. And no one really wants ‘life coaching’ anyway. They want help in getting from where they are to where they want to be (even if that means from ‘I’m fuzzy and confused’ to ‘I’m clear about what I want’).

So, Tomar narrowed in on her niche to women. But not just any women, women past 4o. And not just any women past 40 – women past 40 who want to make a big difference in the world. And not just any kind of a difference. From conversations with her I know there’s a tone and flavour to it. It’s about sacred work. It’s aligned with the writings of authors like Barbara Marx Hubbard. Sometimes that can be a really vital piece of figuring out who’s a fit – the vibe, the shared tone and values. It’s a handy question to ask, ‘What authors do they like?’ It can tell you a lot about who they are and what kind of wording to use and where to find them.


Name: Tomar Levine

What is the niche you’ve come up with? Who is it? What are the problems they struggle with?

Transformationally-inspired women past 40 who feel called to make a difference in the world and contribute to the global awakening.

They long to find their own sacred work, something they can devote their lives to that makes a real contribution. But they have difficulty getting their gifts into the world. They often lack confidence in the value of what they have to offer, and/or don’t know how to create a business. They may have been stuck and dissatisfied for years, but are determined to break through that now. They can no longer stand the pain of ignoring this inner prompting and are afraid of “dying with their music still in them.” They are determined to finally live their purpose.

What’s the result you are helping them to achieve?

I help them identify their purpose, connect to their passion so it fully lights them up, clarify and then “package” their gifts, clear their inner blocks, and lay the foundations of a solid plan, so they can create a thriving business that helps change the world.

How was the process of coming to this niche for you? Was it hard? Easy? A struggle? Something you’d already been working on?

It was something I had already been working on. This process was more a refining and confirmation. The hardest part for me was distinguishing between my “big circle” and “little circles” and defining my niche as specific enough.

Why this niche? What’s the story here? What can you say about your personal connection to this niche? Were you once in a similar boat? What made you think you had something to offer here?

The Big Why of this niche is really the Big Why of my life. What I really care about is finding my own sacred work so I can contribute to global awakening. It’s taken me a long time, I’ve tried many paths, I’ve lacked confidence in myself, and I’ve been very frustrated even to despair. So yes, the story of this niche is my story.

But it’s not just a problem I can identify with and therefore help. The real “story” here is that this is the essence of what I care about in life and believe is most important right now. One way I can contribute to the global shift is by freeing others to make their contribution. Especially women, especially those souls who have so much to give that the world needs right now.

What’s the response been to this so far from the people you’ve shared it with?

Amazing. The people who respond – including several in our class – respond really strongly, recognize themselves and seem to feel as passionately about it as I do. This has been very encouraging.

How are you planning to reach this crowd? Any sense of the best hubs right now?

I’m going to invite people to a series of free teleseminars, starting with my own list and posting on Facebook, including several groups I’m part of. After that I’ll approach coaches, mentors, and practitioners who reach an audience of spiritual women and entrepreneurs and ask them to host my call.

Actually, I am aware of a number of very successful mentors who appeal to exactly this group, so I know there’s a lot of my ideal prospects on the Internet. I’m also aware of many who belong to the Shift Network, and have been involved in some of the same groups I have. I’m hoping that by offering a series of free calls, and using powerful, evocative language, I will start to attract “my” people.

What did you learn about niching along the way?

I learned so much about niching. I’d never heard the concept of Big and Little Circles before – that’s so brilliant. I got even clearer on the concept of the “journey,” and the importance of putting the emphasis on that. And really, that niching – defining who you help, how, and with what – is the first step of creating your business.

What are your next steps in exploring this niche? Any project ideas?

I am starting with the free teleseminars, from which I’ll invite people to have a free consult with me, and then invite them into my coaching programs and VIP Days, which I’m still refining. I also expect to turn the same content into a six-week class down the line a ways. It all centers on “Birthing Your Sacred Work.” (I bought that domain.) My website is virtually finished and this class helped me nail the language I needed for reaching out to my prospects. This whole process helped me get more courageous in how I’m expressing myself, not holding back.

What would you say were the top three lessons you learned about niching from going through the six week Niching for Hippies program?
1) It’s worth taking the time to go deep with this process.

2) The more you explore yourself – your wounds, your gifts, your passions – the easier it is to find your right niche. And . . .

3) If you can find a niche that really comes from your inner self, isn’t chosen for a strictly strategic reason, the happier you’ll be, and most likely the more successful as well.

Anything else you’d like to say?

I am so grateful for having found this class, to have had the chance to work closely with you, and to have been part of this amazing community of passionate, committed fellow-seekers. This has been totally absorbing, fun, and richly rewarding.

Marketing for Hippies is the antidote I’ve needed, for all that I find objectionable in the marketing/coaching world. Thanks for being your generous, genuine, totally original, totally dedicated and pure-hearted self. What you are doing is such a gift to us all!


What I Might Do If I Were Her:

Niche Tighter – I think she’s done a wonderful job on niching and my guess is that there are still some subgroups within this group that are big enough to be profitable. I’m not sure which direction to go with that but her current niche is verging on the side of ‘Big Circle‘ for me – meaning it’s really broad. The more narrowly we niche, the easier it will be to find hubs. Although, hubs like The Shift Network are a great start.

Offer follow up to retreats for these women – If she finds people who are leading retreats for these women she might approach the workshop leaders and say to them, ‘How would you like it if I offered follow up and integration sessions with these women to help them take the next steps.’ I imagine there are a lot of workshop leaders who really don’t offer their own follow up and might be thrilled to see that happen. Of course, she could sweeten the pot immensely by creating a business arrangement where the workshop leader gets a generous cut on business she gets from it.

I have a friend Dev Aujla whose project www.dreamnow.ca specialized in doing follow up from youth conferences. The poor conference coordinators had no capacity to do follow up support for the inspired young people but they knew it was needed.

Blog! – Blogging could be a very powerful tool for Tomar to get known and create a solid container to receive this women. What most people misunderstand about blogging is that you don’t have to write everything yourself. You don’t have to be a content creator. You can also be a content curator. She could find TED Talks, videos, articles etc. from other sources to share. She could interview the authors who most inspire these women. Her blog could become a hub for the kind and vibe of info that these women would most love.

Speak at conferences. Speaking is a powerful way to get known. If she could identify the kinds of conferences these women go to and start speaking at them – even the smaller local ones and build up it can help a lot. But she could also do what my colleague Teresa de Grosbois did and host big name speakers to come into town for a speaking gig and be the ‘opening act’ for them. It was a brilliant move that instantly elevated her status in Calgary.

Clarify her point of view. She’s promising to help these women get from a place of wanting to make a difference to actually making a difference. But why should anyone believe her? Could just be hype. So, while the promise is relevant and enticing it’s not credible until people begin to understand your ‘system’ – the steps you take people through to help them predictably arrive in the same place. If you have no system, no set up steps, no map . . . then why on Earth should be people trust you? Having a clearly articulated and easy to understand point of view is vital. In fact, most successes I can think of are successful due to this. You can check out a beginning list of fifty real life examples I have here. No one is going to pay a lot of money to sign up for a high end coaching program if they don’t really get and understand your system.

Who can she outsource the other parts to that she doesn’t want to do? In talking with Tomar, I came to understand that she’s excited to get these women going but she doesn’t want to have to become an expert in the nitty gritty of marketing and business administration. She wants to help these women find a vision, create a basic structure and then pass them on to others who can help them take the next steps. Finding the partners she can direct people to when she’s done her piece could be a source of income but also will free her up to really focus on the parts she does best.

Find hubs that aren’t other coaches. There are a lot of coaches out there focusing on the very market that Tomar is. And, while they’re reaching the same people, they’re unlikely to want to send business her way as they might see that as taking business away from them. So, finding other websites, blogs, online forums, authors, groups and events where she can connect to these women is vital. If she likes going to conferences and gatherings, there are things like the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Humanity Unites Brilliance, Humanity’s Team and many more that are started around the work of authors whom her ideal clients might be into.


Want Help? If you’d like some more direct guidance and hand holding on figuring out your niche then go and check out my Niching for Hippies coaching program https://marketingforhippies.com/niching-for-hippies/

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