The Meantime: Online Program
(Winter Semester)
How To Make Money Quickly and Ethically: A Four-Step, Tactical, Fresh Start To Clear The Decks, Declutter, Get Your Head On Straight, Make Space and Make Money Quick (Even if it Seems Hopeless)
Winter Semester of the Marketing for Hippies Membership Four Semester Year
January – March, 2024
The Calls:
Live, Q&A Calls: There are seven live, Q&A calls with Tad on Tuesdays: January 14th & 21st, February 4th & 18th, March 4th, 18th & 25th (also see the semester’s flow chart below).
There are two options for each of these calls, to allow for people in different timezones to attend. The options are: 10am-12pm + 6pm-8pm PACIFIC (convert to your local time here).
Recordings: there will be replay recordings of these calls made available to participants for review.
NOTE: You should expect to spend 2-3 hours preparing for the first call, and 2-3 hours per week on homework and prep for the next week.
Study Halls:There are Study Halls throughout the program on Thursdays where you can log in and work alongside other participants on the tasks at hand. January 30th, February 13th & 27th, & March 13th (also see the semester’s flow chart below).The Study Halls are: 2-3am + 10-11am PACIFIC (convert to your local time here).
PODS: Tad will also be encouraging you to find/create self-directed study PODS and will talk about how this works in the orientation call.
All this is designed to make sure you have the time to get the work done along with the support you need – no more lonely-preneures!
The seventh and final call of the program is a Deep Dive that digs into everything you’ve done together and wraps up the semester, and it is three hours in duration.
Cost: $300 USD
(three monthly payments of $100 USD)
2025 marks the 15th and final time I’ll be offering this program live.
I have other plans for it (and the rest of my work) that I’ll tell you about in due course but, for now, this is it.
If you’ve ever wanted to attend this live, this is the final time you’ll be able to.
This program is all about how to generate revenue quickly. Fast cash. Fast doesn’t mean unethical. Those aren’t opposites.
Things can be unethical and hard (don’t do those things). They can be ethical and hard (that’s a lot of it). Things can be unethical and easy (there’s a lot of that being suggested but it’s harder in the end).
But things can also be ethical and easy.
There is absolutely such a thing as ‘low hanging fruit’.
You know. Easy to reach. No ladder needed.
Sometimes your business is in a situation where you need the apples now and you don’t have time to run to the barn to get the ladder.
Luckily, you don’t need to. Most trees have plenty of fruit on the lower branches.
It’s the same with your business.
Most people have hundreds, if not thousands (if not tens of thousands) of dollars just hanging there, heavy on the branches of their business, being utterly ignored.
Windfall profits that are never noticed.
This Program Might Be A Perfect Fit For You If You:
have been in business at least three years in the same business
- are willing to clear the decks and do a major purge to eliminate distractions from your life for three-months
- want to get very clear about why you’re in the crunch you are in (and maybe why you keep coming back here year after year).
- like the idea of identifying the most likely and immediately profitable, low hanging fruit, windfall profits in your business.
- are ready and willing to spend at least three to five hours a week working on this material.
- are friendly, coachable and willing to receive candid feedback.
- have at least one piece of strong hippie street cred.
This Program Might NOT Be A Good Fit For You If:
- Your January, February, and March are already packed and you’ll barely have time to make the calls let alone do anything in between the calls. This program is heavily based in homework ‘n hustle. If you’re going on a road trip, are in the middle of a family crisis etc. it might be worth thinking twice.
- You’re not really floundering and don’t need the cash. Your primary concern right now is building up your business for the long haul. You’ve already got a solid plan that you trust will work and the only reason it hasn’t is simply due to time. If you already have a solid plan, this program will likely just be a distraction. Much better to just work the plan you already have. Slow and steady wins the race.
- Your life is already spacious and super well organized. If your home and workspace are spacious, clean and uplifting to be in and you can see your desk (or an uncluttered computer desktop) and the bottom of your email inbox is never far out of sight then this program may not be what you need (or at least the first two weeks won’t be that helpful).
- You don’t have a business yet.
- You run a retail or product-based business. This program is geared toward service providers and, with a bit of thinking, the cashflow tactics can be adapted to those who sell products. I’d say this program wouldn’t be relevant to retail very much, but for products? It can still work.
What IS The Meantime?
There’s a certain time that all of us, at some point or another in our business lives, come to experience. I call it The Meantime.
It’s a moment where you feel like you’re headed directly for a brick wall.
And, as I heard Brian Tracey say once, “Life is full of problems. In life you’re either recovering from a problem, in the midst of one now, or one is coming. But, every once in a while, life gives you a reprieve from your problems. It’s called a crisis.”
And this is The Meantime: a time of crisis.
In business, I define The Meantime as that time when you are in a financial crisis where you need money urgently and, even though you have faith in things to work out in the long term, even though you believe in the strategies and business plan you’ve put together to be sustainable in the future, you aren’t there yet and you ask yourself, “What do I do in the meantime?“
But I call it The Meantime for another reason too.
It feels mean and vicious when you’re in the midst of it.
The Meantime is an unforgiving time where you seem to have to hustle harder than you ever have before.
There often seems to be no way to bring in the kind of money you need as quickly as you need it.
It can be a time of incredible stress and anxiety.
The Meantime is like finding yourself in the midst of a deep winter without enough supplies to make it through and a sense of dread creeps over you as you think, “What am I going to do?“
“When You’re Drowning Is Not A Good Time To Learn Swimming”
Over the years, I’ve had so many clients come to me in the midst of The Meantime, desperate for help and yet I felt powerless to help them.
Most of my thinking around marketing is geared towards slow, organic and unforced growth.
And what thoughts I did have about how to hustle were not well organized.
I used to dive in and try to help them out.
But The Meantime requires space.
There’s something about being trapped in the fear of not getting what we want (or losing what we have) that seems to shut down our ability to creatively get through it.
What’s not helpful in The Meantime is theory. What is required is are actionable tactics that you can do right away.
So I organized thoughts and leaned heavily on the advice and experiences of my colleagues – asking them, “What advice would you give to someone in a genuine cashflow crisis? What are the best approaches you know of (even if they aren’t the complete answer)?”
This program is the result of this.
I walk you through the precise steps you need to take and connect you to the exact tactics and strategies you might need to not only survive The Meantime but also maybe transform it into an incredible opportunity. There are seven group coaching calls. Each call will focus on a vital aspect of your journey.
Business success comes down to a steady application of the fundamentals. That’s the long game. Do a good job and develop a strong reputation. But, learning those basics (e.g. niching, point of view, hub marketing, business model etc.) and applying it is near to impossible when you’re in a state of desperation and feel like you’re drowning.
This program is here to address the drowning.
I created this program to help you get through The Meantime.
For me, a dedicated semester was the most powerful possible format for it.
If you’re in The Meantime, you tend to need a shot in the arm, lots of encouragement, positivity, and specific, actionable ideas. And it helps if you get to share the journey with a bunch of others who are in the same boat.
But the most important reason for a focused semester is because, to get out of a time of crisis, you need space – and that space does not just magically happen. It must be consciously created.
This is why The Meantime includes extra, scheduled support with your colleagues in the program through the Study Halls and PODS to help in this crisis.
Being in a serious cashflow crisis is like being seriously injured and losing blood. And the steps to handling the crisis in your business are not only the same, they are actually the exact opposite of what you’d want to do if you were healthy.
If you’re healthy, then you want to be following a holistic health program as a baseline (the basics) and then, occasionally you throw in some fancy tactics (e.g. cleanses, fancy supplements etc.). But, when you’re injured you first need to stop everything you’re doing to get some space. Then you need to stop the bleeding. Only once that is handled do we look at anything more holistic and strategic.
The biggest blunder you can make in a crisis is to just keep focused on long term strategies. Those are useful in the long term, but you might bleed to death from a loss of cashflow (the lifeblood of your business) before you get a chance.
This program is designed to stop the bleeding and get you back up on your feet enough that you can start to take better care of your business.
I’ve heard a lot of different reasons from clients about why they’ve signed up.
Maybe you’ll be able to relate to some . . .
- “I’m realizing I value money, but don’t really prioritize it, until my bank account is at zero, and then I scramble to get projects, invoice and bring in the money. And then I sit back again.”
- “I have this block about earning more money, like it means I’m a bad person. One of those people that do bad things. Like having a sports car in my driveway wouldn’t match my community, and the people in it. Making more money wouldn’t match. I need to suffer through a zero bank account balance to motivate.”
- “I was ready to throw in the towel on my business. Cash flow had been like an indicator light that the tank was nearly empty.”
- “I have a lot of ideas, but have trouble saying ‘no’ to things, so say ‘yes’ to a lot of things, and dig a lot of shallow wells. But I like them all, so really struggle with cutting anything out. And they all have potential to make money, but not when I’m spread so thin.”
- “I have a workshop that only two people have signed up for and it’s happening in two weeks. How do I fill it?”
- “I quit my job to start this life coaching business but now rent is due, I’m deep in debt and, and, if things don’t turn around quickly I’m going to have to go back to a job I hate.”
- “My spouse has been financially supporting me for forever and is getting tired of it. I need to bring in money to take the strain off the relationship.”
- “My big, high end coaching program has only two people in it but it needs ten to succeed.”
- “I keep looking at that stack of unopened bills on my side table as I double check my bank balance online only to have it confirmed . . . i. am. broke.”

Who Am I To Say Anything About The Meantime?
My name is Tad Hargrave. I’m the founder of
This is a strange program for me to be offering in a way. Most of my work focuses on and celebrates the idea of “slow marketing.” It focuses on the deeper philosophical considerations and strategic thinking behind the success of your marketing. It’s a slow and steady approach.
And yet, from time to time, we don’t have time to wait for these more solid and foundational approaches (e.g. developing a clear niche and strong platform) to kick in. Many of them, realistically, take years. Sometimes you need to be the tortoise and sometimes you need to be the hare. Sometimes you need to jog and sometimes you need to sprint.
I, myself, have grown my Marketing for Hippies business incredibly slowly and organically with very little feeling of rush about it. It’s the pace I prefer in business.
But there have absolutely been times, largely before starting my marketing business, that I needed to come up with a lot of money fast (most of this revolved around trying to pay for the pricey [and I’m talking about $20,000 total] Anthony Robbins seminars for which I’d signed up at 18 years of age).
I’ve been self employed almost entirely since I graduated high school. My entrepreneurial leanings combined with my utter inability to keep a job meant that I have had to learn to hustle.
So, if you need to do some short term hustling to bring in some money as soon as possible, read on . . .
IMPORTANT: Four Things This Program Is Not.
This program is not gentle entrepreneurial calisthenics and aerobics. This is High Intensity Interval Training.
This program is not a long term fix. My best, free thoughts on the long term solution can be found in my Ethical Marketing Starter Kit on my website, or, in depth and paid, in the rest of the content and semesters of which is available in my Membership Program.
This program is not a complete answer: No, this program is not the complete answer for your business’ success. But it’s my best answer to how to pull yourself out of the quicksand or straighten your car out when you’ve hit an icy patch on the road.
It’s my best and most considered perspective on how to deal with the moment of crisis (in such a way that it doesn’t deepen the crisis but buys you the time and space you need to make the deeper and more strategic adjustments that can assure long term success).
This program is not a personal coaching program: This program is not the same as hiring a personal coach or participating in a small group coaching program where you get a great deal of personal attention from the instructor.
I’ll do my best to answer people’s questions personally, but there’s a good chance I won’t get to everyone each week.
However, I can say that there’s a very solid chance that, due to the structure of the program, you will get some incredibly solid advice from the other participants.
Semester Outline:
Week One: Orientation
This is our orientation call to make sure:
- We’re all on the same page
- You know how the program works
- Get a chance to ask any logistical questions
- Know where to find things including additional resources in the membership
- You have allocated and scheduled the time you need to get the most from the Meantime
- You have a chance to join a pod
- You begin to explore why you’re in the cash-flow situation you’re in.
Week Two: Create Physical Space
All of that tidying you’ve been putting off? We do it in this week.
The tidying up your computer desktop? Filing that you keep meaning to do? We do that this week.
Your messy fridge? Bam. Handled.
Over the years, it’s my firm belief that, the most important step in getting through the Meantime is creating space. And that starts with our physical and virtual environment. When there is order without, it is much easier to have order within. And, when people try to skip this, they only seem to compound the overwhelm they feel. In other words, it’s the worst.
Here’s some of what you’ll learn this week:
- Important changes you can make to your home environment and office space that can fill you up with energy, focus and inspiration.
- Simple tools to organize your online life and email so it sucks less of your time.
Week Three: Pods and Study Halls
Use this time to meet with your self-directed pods and/or attend the Thursday Study Hall at 2-3am + 10-11am PACIFIC (convert to your local time here).
Week Four: Create More Space (Emotional, Calendar, and Financial)
This week is about creating the emotional space; space in your calendar (oh blessed free time) and financial space so that the Meantime is not such an urgent issue.
And that space does not just happen.
That feeling of no extra money or space? This is The Meantime.
For years, I found myself unsure of what to say because, of course, there are no real magic bullets in The Meantime. Building a thriving and sustainable business takes a lot of thought and care and the one thing that we feel an absolute lack on in The Meantime which is . . . time.
To make matters worse, one can get into a spiral of crisis if one handles The Meantime poorly. People start having sales, offering things for free, creating new products every month which eventually exhaust both their bank accounts and their energies.
The real solution to making it through The Meantime is to do whatever it takes to create more space in your life while building a more solid foundation in the future. As the old saying goes, “Dig your well before you’re thirsty.” But, in The Meantime, it is too late for this. We are parched and the ground is unbroken.
This means: get organized, get out of every commitment you can possibly get out of. All those social engagements you’re not 100% jazzed about? Gone. Can you reduce your expenses? Do it. Go for a long walk with a friend to let yourself vent about how stressed you are so you can get it off your chest.
This takes massive action to clear the decks. But, once you have, you may be amazed at the incredible wave of blessed relief you feel.
The mistake is to try to jump into money making tactics directly before getting organized. This will only add to your overwhelm and usually ends badly.
“The notion that health and well being is most important was surprisingly the most important thing I took from this program. I should know that of course! However, when things get busy, it is easy to forget about taking care of ourselves, and to give ourselves space to grow.
Tad did a fantastic job of personally responding to questions and always made excellent, thoughtful suggestions. I have an incredible amount of respect for his vast knowledge and approach to marketing.”
– Anonymous
Week Five: Pods and Study Halls
Use this time to meet with your self-directed pods and/or attend the Thursday Study Hall at 2-3am + 10-11am PACIFIC (convert to your local time here).
Week Six: Picking Your Top Tactic
This week is exciting! You get a 145 page PDF jam-packed with over thirty five of the best, fast-acting marketing tactics I know of. These are proven, tactical approaches to generating money quickly.
You will identify which of those tactics is the lowest hanging fruit for you – you’ll hone in on which one is the easiest possible sources of windfall profits in your business. And you’ll get to work on it for two weeks.
In past iterations of this program, I’ve asked people to pick their top three.
I’m not doing that anymore.
Now, you pick just one tactic. One thing upon which you will focus. Focus is one of the most important secret to making it through the Meantime.
In the past, when clients came to me in the midst of their crisis, what they didn’t want to hear were my inspiring thoughts on slow marketing and how ‘these things just take time’.
Even if it’s true that strategy is more powerful than tactics (and it is), it doesn’t matter when you’re in the midst of needing to make a lot of money fast. Then you need the fast marketing approach.
Thankfully, while they aren’t long term magic bullets and they still require work, there are many fast marketing business tactics that are virtually guaranteed to bring in income and clients quickly.
Caveat: If you over-rely on them and never really hone your platform, develop a strong sales funnel or marketing strategy, you can end up in a perpetual state of crisis (which I’ve seen many times).
They aren’t the long term fix but, in The Meantime, they are just what the doctor ordered.
Week Seven: Pods and Study Halls
Use this time to meet with your self-directed pods and/or attend the Thursday Study Hall at 2-3am + 10-11am PACIFIC (convert to your local time here.
Semester Quick Overview Outline:
Tuesday, January 14th
Week One: Call
10am-12pm + 6pm-8pm PACIFIC
Tuesday, January 21st
Week Two: Call
Create Physical Space
10am-12pm + 6pm-8pm PACIFIC
Tuesday, January 28th & Thursday, January 30th
Week Three:
Pods & Study Hall
Tuesday, February 4th
Week Four: Call
Create More Space (Emotional, Calendar, and Financial)
10am-12pm + 6pm-8pm PACIFIC
Tuesday Feb 11th & Thursday Feb 13th
Week Five:
Pods & Study Hall
Tuesday, February 18th
Week Six: Call
Pick Your Top Tactic
10am-12pm + 6pm-8pm PACIFIC
Tuesday, February 25th & Thursday, February 27th
Week Seven:
Pods & Study Hall
Tuesday, March 4th
Week Eight: Call
Tactical Feedback & Support
10am-12pm + 6pm-8pm PACIFIC
Tuesday, March 11th & Thursday, March 13th
Week Nine:
Pods & Study Hall
Tuesday, March 18th
Week Ten: Call
Planting Seeds And Starting On The Long Term Fix
10am-12pm + 6pm-8pm PACIFIC
Tuesday, March 25th
Week Eleven: Call
Deep Dive And Wrap Up
10am-1pm + 6pm-9pm PACIFIC
(NOTE: These deep dive calls are three hours long, the others are all two hours)
Week Eight: Tactical Feedback and Support
In this week you’ll get direct feedback and encouragement on your application of the tactic you’ve chose in week three. This call will be 100% Q&A. The feedback and encouragement will come from myself but it will also come from all of the other members of the membership.
Week Nine: Pods and Study Halls
Use this time to meet with your self-directed pods and/or attend the Thursday Study Hall at 2-3am + 10-11am PACIFIC (convert to your local time here.
Week Ten: Planting Seeds and Starting On The Long Term Fix
Once things are in motion to bring in some income, you want to start thinking more strategically about your business.
We want to look at how we even got to be in The Meantime in the first place and make sure you visit it as seldom as possible.
The secret here is to use the space and momentum afforded to you by the first three weeks to invest more deeply in the long term fix.
Investing in the short term fix gets you maybe ten units of reward for every unit of effort in the beginning, but then the returns rapidly begin to diminish. However, investing in the long term fix is the opposite.
At first you put in ten units of effort and get only one unit of reward but, in time, it flips and your one unit of effort yields ten units of reward. This is the importance and beauty of a good strategy.
Week Eleven: Deep Dive and Wrap Up
A three-hour call that dives deeply into all the work you’ve done throughout The Meantime program and wraps up this time together, along with suggested possible steps for the future to work beyond The Meantime.
Five Compelling Reasons To Sign Up:
Compelling Reason #1: Solid, Core Grounding Materials:
You will receive:
- The Meantime: Picking Your Low Hanging Fruit, a 145 page ebook jam-packed with over thirty-five excellent, fast-acting marketing tactics.
- Four practical workbooks throughout this program. These will remain as a deeply useful resource beyond this semester.
- Recordings of calls from previous years to dig into the content before the live calls (where I’ll do my best to help you tailor the ideas to your business).
Compelling Reason #2: A Sequential, Practical, Seven-Part Curriculum:
In this program, you get seven live calls, each call has two options: 10am-12pm or 6pm-8pm Pacific. Make sure you double check the time zone to make sure you’re able to make the calls. The calls will be recorded.
Details outlined above, hopefully you just finished reading through the descriptions of each one, if not, I encourage you to back up and take the time to read about the content of this program.
Compelling Reason #3 – Incredibly Affordable:
It’s only $300 USD for three months (charged monthly at $100 USD per month as part of my Membership program).
Compelling Reason #4 – You Get These THREE Benefits From My Membership:
- Benefit 1: More support calls. There are calls most days of the week for Members (beyond our live calls for the semester). These calls can be incredibly helpful in integrating the content of the program itself. I want people to have plenty of opportunities to get direct feedback from myself and from their peers (through the pods and the study halls).
- Benefit 2: The whole damned library of my content neatly organized. All of my videos are in the Membership. So are all of my blog posts. I’ve also got other videos, pulled out from the Membership’s weekly coaching calls there too. And all of my eBooks and webinars are available in the Membership. All this will all be at your fingertips for the price of admission.
- Benefit 3: A distraction-free and supportive infrastructure. We use Mighty Networks as our Membership platform, so the only notifications you’ll get (which you can control as you like) will be related to growing your business, not sweet cat memes from your high school friend. You’ll have a platform where you can ask questions of other participants and members and get needed help.
Compelling Reason #5: My Better-Than Risk-Free Guarantee to You:
I get that there are a lot of programs out there. I get that this is an investment of time and money for you. And, of course, the truth is that I can’t promise you any results. There are so many factors at play beyond my or your control.
And so the stance I’m taking here is this: let me take on the financial risk:
You will make at least $100 of profit from participating in this course.
If you do your part, if you attend all seven live calls and do your homework, and by the end of the program you don’t feel that The Meantime was worth the money you paid and the time you invested, I will refund not only what you paid to participate ($300 USD) but also $100 USD out of my own pocket.
Stated another way: You can’t not make money with this program.
Stated yet another way: You will have at least $100 USD that you wouldn’t have at the end of this program if you sign up and fully commit to the work.
Yes, actually.
For real.
Three Reasons I Feel Confident in Offering This Guarantee:
First of all: this program has done a lot of good for a lot of people. You can read the testimonials below. I’ve run this program over 14 times and it’s only gotten stronger.
Secondly: every time I do this program I am refining and streamlining the process to get you out of “the meantime” faster.
Third: I’ve run all of my day-long and weekend workshops on a PWYC basis for over a decade where the onus was 100% on me to deliver value if I wanted to get paid. So, this isn’t a new practice for me.
IMPORTANT: What Is Asked Of You:
If you sign up for the Meantime Program:
- You should expect to spend 2-3 hours preparing for the first call, and 2-3 hours per week on homework and prep for the next week.
- I ask that you attend as many of the live calls as you’re able to. This is where the real value is: translating the ideas to your business.
Many of the people who’ve been in this program have commented to me that one of the biggest blessings of being in The Meantime (the program and the cash flow crisis) is that it opens up the opportunity to make big and bold changes to their business.
Changes they have known they’ve needed to make for a long time.
If you’re up for those kinds of changes, I hope I’ll hear from you soon.
Stay human,
PS Last Thoughts: My Vested Interest In Your Success:
Selfishly, I want this program to work for you.
Really, I need it to work for you.
If it works for you, I’ll get a case study I can share in future iterations of The Meantime. If I’m lucky, I’ll get a testimonial from you and you’ll help spread the word about it to your colleagues. The more this program helps you, the better off I am.
PPS: $100 USD Profit Guaranteed:
Remember – I’m offering a $100 USD income result on this program. I am taking all of the financial risk on myself. If you do your part and aren’t happy with the results, I will offer you a full refund of your program fee investment of $300 USD, plus $100 USD out of my own pocket so that you are guaranteed to make a profit.
If you need to take me up on this guarantee at the conclusion of this program there will be no hard feelings, though I will ask you to let me know what didn’t work for you so I can improve on it next time.
I hope you’ll consider joining me for this semester.
Q: Is joining The Meantime the same as joining The Membership?
A: Basically, yes. And many in the membership won’t be joining in on
the Semester calls. But The Meantime happens within The Membership. So
you get the Meantime + The Membership for the same price.
Q: I’m considering to join this program but unfortunately I wouldn’t be able to attend most of the live calls. Is it still worth signing up?
Well, I don’t know. I’d have to leave that to you. The calls are designed to be hands on and doing things. We use zoom rooms often and so you couldn’t have those conversations on the calls you miss. You would get the recordings within 24 hours after the calls. I suppose it depends on how you work. There are, of course, also the Friday calls with me (open group coaching – from 11:30am – 1pm PST) where you can get questions answered. You could have some of the conversations with your Meantime Pod of 4-5 others (if you decide to join one).

“...aha moments that will help me move forward”
“The In the Meantime Semester helped me to clear physical space, eliminate tasks I don’t want to do, and schedule the important tasks. I also had the opportunity to see my business through the eyes of others. Their feedback gave me ideas and aha moments that will help me move forward.”
Rochelle Melander,

“The Meantime is a rare gem”
“The Meantime is a rare gem. I have swum in seemingly similar waters before, but honestly, none of those others suited me nearly as well as The Meantime.
Tad has a true gift for being a superb ‘Guide on the Side’ (so much better than the ‘Sage on the Stage’ model). He gets the necessary interplay between the need for providing structured content and prompting us for the answers that lie within. But this is about so much more than logic and process; it’s about heart and soul. Because without those, it’s infinitely harder to create a more intentional, sustainable business, which is my focus.
And crucially, Tad walks his talk. He’s refreshingly honest about his own hard-won journey, and unlike most experts, he attributes his sources freely and generously. I also resonate with how his style is very clearly aligned with his intent to serve “if this speaks to you”. For me, it does, and he does. I’m very grateful, and now have renewed clarity on what to do.”
Matthew Newnham,

“I now feel spacious am able to focus on what truly matters and design a path to move forward”
“Clearing space… my life, home, focus and business was so cluttered. The simple act of clearing a small space within my home created a waterfall of events where I now feel spacious am able to focus on what truly matters and design a path to move forward rather than being conflicted and stuck rather than being focused on the one thing that seemed urgent. I went from urgent to urgent to urgent. It’s no way to live and run a practice especially when I tell my clients to slow down not everything is a house fire. Talk about imposter syndrome!”

“...find your answers and start making progress now!”
“This program is incredibly helpful and a lifesaver for those solopreneurs and entrepreneurs that are “too busy driving to get gas”, feeling overwhelmed with marketing and anxious about income and no idea what to do next or first or at all to get clients! This is the way forward to find your answers and start making progress now!”
Mary Cioff,

“...has me more fully inhabiting who I already am, and feeling unapologetic about the medicine I bring”
“I came into MfH/Meantime thinking that I needed to change myself into… I don’t know what. Who I am has never been enough in the conventional world. Instead, Meantime, and MfH in general, has me more fully inhabiting who I already am, and feeling unapologetic about the medicine I bring. I don’t fit in the conventional world, and to work with people in the conventional world, I don’t need to squeeze myself into that box. This work is helping me get clear on who my people are. I don’t need to twist myself into a pretzel; I just won’t do that anymore. Period.”
Meantime Participant,

"Improving and relaunching an existing product brought €24,000.”
At the point it couldn’t go any deeper, it all shifted. It happened in the course of one week. In the beginning of that week I was about to give up, I’d already contacted the boring job I did before, and felt quite heavy about it. At the end of the same week I had a 24k client (euros/about 32k in dollars), with about the same amount in the pipeline, a big sponsor for my new zero CO2, zero chemicals plastic upcycle installation, and a client who wants me to help making the shoe industry in China more sustainable. WOW!
The 24k client will give me the income to develop my projects further, without money stress! For them I will give the workshop I developed last year on all the schools in my home town. I love doing this, and it will cost me only two days a week!
The meantime program helped me a lot. The ‘low hanging fruit’ tactics I chose were:
- improve an existing product & relaunch it: my existing product gave me my big client, and with their money I can make some great improvements on my installation and programme!
- crowd funding: this has especially worked for me. I found an organization that will do the crowdfunding for me.
- your wish list – ask, barter & trade: And the ask, barter and trade tactic got me a superb, fast notebook for free, which I desperately needed to replace my old and dying computer!
I’m ending this rocky year in euphoria, and looking forward to the next one!”
Rick Classen,

“I went from my worst few trading weeks to my best on record...”
“I went into the Meantime after the worst few trading weeks in my business for over a decade. I knew I had much of my business foundations in place, but I also knew that what I had done before would not take me forward to where I needed to be. There had been a piece missing from the puzzle and I simply couldn’t see where the gap was.
I have been following Tad’s work for many years and was attracted to his honesty and integrity of approach. I knew that this program would not be snake oil or smoke and mirrors, but would have solid, ethical foundations that would stand me in good stead moving forward. What I found was more than I could have hoped. Tad’s process was well considered and achievable. He held the space firmly and gently.
And the result? I went from my worst few trading weeks to my best on record during the program, with clear strategies on how to maintain the momentum. If you are willing to put in the work, then the Meantime can be life-changing.”
Ingrid Cliff,

“As of today, I have received £676 with £122+ anticipated.”
The Meantime Challenge fulfilled my expectations and gave me lots of valuable tools to apply both during the Challenge and on-going. It also linked me with some very supportive people and a format that I found easy to engage with, eg online materials, calls and Facebook support.
The single biggest benefit I got from the workshop was definitely taking the time to creates some space and focus – out of which the following has flowed:
- At a personal level: making sure that I don’t overwork e.g. well into the evening and I giving myself time off to do nice things with family and friends, rather than squirrelling myself away on my computer and having that as the most fulfilling thing in my life – a well recognised habit!
- Business: creating an impetus to complete tasks that have been ‘hanging around’ and to be clear what and why I am creating new products and services.
- Income: I set a goal to achieve £500 by the end of November, to recoup this and other training I have done this year. As of today, I have £676 received with £122+ anticipated – so I am very pleased!
The most positively unique thing I got from the workshop was: short time-scale in which to access new ideas, goals to set and achieve and plenty of great support. Really appreciated Tad’s very generous time on the calls, specifically addressing the issues of individuals.”
Sarah Wiltshire,

“The Meantime process works. It helps to get your head in the right space to deal with your immediate financial challenges.”
“First: the Meantime process works. It helps to get your head in the right space to deal with your immediate financial challenges. It helps to get you focused on what you practically need to do to not only get yourself out of a financial hole, but also helps you to fill in that hole, so you are standing on firm and solid ground once again. The resources you receive to help you achieve that are substantial, and you will find yourself referring to them over and over again.
And in Tad Hargrave you have access to someone who not only knows their subject matter inside out, he delivers it so that each member of the course gets exactly what they need to regain a real sense of inner and outer prosperity. For those who feel they have lost their way financially, or who struggle to earn a decent living while helping others, I highly recommend investing in this course.”
Brian Parsons

“Without this course I never would’ve thought of or been willing to do a sale like this...”
“I’m 9 minutes away from closing a 5 day sale. Without this course I never (and I really mean never ever) would’ve thought of or been willing to do a sale like this. I’m SO glad that I did. it was way out of my comfort zone, but it’s been incredibly rewarding (read: I’ve grossed about $1800!). I’ve got a full week of orders (almost 30) to fill, but it’s a great way to start this calendar year.”

“I got more out of this course than anything I’ve ever done. As someone in the holistic healing world, your message got me out of a burnout stage and moving positively again.”
“Tad, as someone old enough to be your mom, I have to tell you how I’m continually impressed with all you offer to the world in marketing that is NOT gross! You really speak to me . . . clearly, passionately, and with immense integrity.
I first learned of your work after completing another online course that cost me tons of money – more than I could really afford but I fell for the sales pitch – and then felt not-so-good. While I learned lots of wonderful things, it still felt pushy and yes, gross. I just wanted something different that made me feel authentic in my marketing and then I came across your website. First, I was intrigued by the name Marketing for Hippies since I grew up in the era of hippies! I needed to know more. And so I have.
I have bought many of your online e-books, taken a few of your online workshops, and really enjoyed all of them, but the one that really, really stuck was the one last fall (2015) called The Meantime. I got more out of this course than anything I’ve ever done. As someone in the holistic healing world, your message got me out of a burnout stage and moving positively again. I did many of the actual exercises you laid out, cleared lots of space around me with my office, inventory, bookkeeping, getting needed support, made some extra money ($1500) just picking some of the “‘ow-hanging fruit,’ and so much more. As a matter of fact, I’m going to review that information again this month because I know I’m heading into The Meantime once again – tis the season and I’m feeling the need to clean out and clean up my business as part of my Fall ritual now.
Thank you, Tad, for all you do.”
Cathy Atkinson, ND

“I’ve never experienced anyone hold space so well on an online course.”
“I’ve never experienced anyone hold space so well on an online course, and especially in what might be sub-optimal conditions — such a large number of people, and using Facebook. It’s no small thing to not only deliver valuable content but also to create community and create conditions for participants to go inward into a more reflective space using virtual means. (I’ve often felt that using Facebook or live feeds isolates and distracts rather than deepens experience as you did).
How you created that space was, I think, partly good instructional design (e.g. asking folks to list (simultaneously) what they were proud of and what they were being irresponsible about was brilliant because there can be so much guilt and shaming around the Meantime). But the thing that really shone through was your love, transparency, and advocacy for the brilliance and importance of the participants’ work to the world. All of which adds up to supporting motivation and action.”
Marilyn Daniels,

“I have been continuously applying the tools for increasing immediate cash, and always see a result.”
Before the workshop I was excited to learn about ways to bring in more cashflow, but a bit worried that it might not work for me. I felt like I had tried so many things, and I didn’t know what difference this would make. But by the end of it I was blown away at the wealth of knowledge and expertise that Tad was offering. Since the end of the 30 days, I have been continuously applying the tools for increasing immediate cash, and always see a result. I am very happy I took the challenge.
The impact of the Meantime Challenge is that it is getting me through a very difficult time financially, without my having to change my lifestyle of homeschooling and go out and work for someone else. It is allowing me to pursue my dreams and still feed and house my family.
I love the interaction with everyone on the private Facebook page. The questions during our calls were excellent – and seeing everyone’s responses really helped me to feel welcome and supported.”
Waymatea Ellis,

“Very doable and produced results beyond my expectations.”
“Some of the strategies were so simple and realistic to apply, very doable and produced results beyond my expectations.
I think the biggest thing is it’s brought back the hope that I can be successful in my business.
What was unexpectedly really impactful was the the first exercise of creating space in my business. I cleaned up my working space, got my finances in order and emptied my e-mail inbox. I didn’t realize how powerful this was until a few days later I received a donation cheque for $1,000 out of the blue from a client who took one of my retreats years ago and wanted to thank me for the difference it made in her life. I realized later that all the clutter in my business was filling up a lot of psychological space and preventing money flowing into my life. Now every day I spend 1/2 hour just clearing space. I have even extended this into creating emotional space, just letting go of the worrying about money that fills up my heart and mind. Remarkably, I am relaxing more in my efforts, doing less and more income is coming in.”
Russell Scott,