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The Living Room Sessions Participants

The Living Room Sessions Participants

You can read all about it and register HERE. Edmonton. Nov. 14-17, 2019.

Tad Hargrave – Your host and facilitator:

Tad is a hippy who developed a knack for marketing (and then learned how to be a hippy again.) For almost a decade, he has been touring his marketing workshops around Canada, bringing refreshing and unorthodox ideas to conscious entrepreneurs and green businesses that help them grow their organizations and businesses (without selling their souls). 

He does improv comedy semi-professionally, co-runs Edmonton’s progressive community building network TheLocalGood.ca, founded treetcarshows.com, indigodrinks.ca, socialyogiyeg.com, and the Jams program of yesworld.org. He speaks Scottish Gaelic and helps to run novascotiagaelsjam.com and is also a huge Doctor Who nerd. 

Tad currently lives in Edmonton, Alberta (traditionally known, in the local indigenous language of the Cree, as Amiskwaciy (Beaver Hill) and later Amiskwaciwaskihegan (Beaver Hill House) and his ancestors come primarily from Scotland with some from the Ukraine as well. He is drawn to conversations around politics, history, ancestry, healing and how those all intersect.

You can learn more about Tad and his work at marketingforhippies.com and nichingspiral.com

The Participants:

Elina Finn: Originally, I am from Ukraine, but have been in North America for 30 years. I have received B.Comm degree from UofA and worked and lived in the U.S., Vancouver and the Caribbean. My passion for helping/healing people is behind everything I do in my life.

I am a single mother with 2 awesome teenage boys. I have been doing Massage therapy, Reiki and many other healing modalities for over 13 years; last year I received my 200 hrs Yoga teacher training in South Caribbean Costa Rica that I love so much.

I am passionate about Wholistic healing, helping people to become the best version of themselves, I love to spread the Light and Positivity wherever I go. My vision now, that actually emerged and evolved over the years, is eventually to move to Costa Rica, do Yoga and Travel retreats, educate people and keep learning about healthy nutrition, Yoga philosophies etc. and be among like-minded people . I hope to learn effective marketing strategies to help me build and promote my business in order to help people and raise consciousness in the world. Thank you so much! Blessings and Love


Ana Paula Fragoso: Mother of Two, Entrepreneur, Life Coach, Marketing Consultant and Web Designer.
I help conscious entrepreneurs how to use Slow Marketing as a strategy to their businesses.


Holly LaRochelle is a digital marketer who helps entrepreneurs grow their online presence, and tell their stories to reach their ideal customers and increase sales.

With a background in digital marketing that spans from blogging to social media management to podcasting, Holly‘s jargon-free technology talk is honest, refreshing and uncomplicated.

When she’s not at her keyboard, Holly is growing organic vegetables in her backyard, joyfully exploring the mountains in Northern Alberta, adventuring with her husband, two children and one very hairy border collie.

The highlights live here: https://www.hollylarochelle.com/about/


Claudia Parkinson: I grew up in Germany, where I was trained as a nurse and then explored different forms of complementary and alternative medicine.
A few years after graduating as a Holistic Health Practitioner in Germany I moved to Canada in 2002. I have worked as a nanny, caregiver, educational assistant, RN and now RMT in Edmonton.
I clearly have a love for the human body and the healing arts, I am fascinated about how awareness works, how ancestral believes are embedded in our bodies and surface in illness as well as how the body works on the anatomical and physiological level. I have learned a lot by healing my own body and love to pass on my knowledge to others.
My biggest passion is craniosacral therapy, because it’s the most magical work I have encountered, but I am also interested in lymphatic drainage and visceral manipulation.
Other than that I love spending time with my husband, meeting friends, YouTube and gardening.
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