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Hub Marketing Lab:
Thank You & Info

We’re so glad you’ve decided to join us for the Hub Marketing Interactive Webinar (lab)

Date: Monday, Sept 18th, 2023

Time: 8-10am Pacific 

ZOOM: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81220581584?pwd=WmZQem1sd3F3T0U4eTRMNGtOQk1DUT09

And as promised here is your 50% discount code for the Hub Marketing Webinar Recording: 50-HubLab

Just put this code into the coupon code area and hit apply, and the price will adjust for you.

The Hub Marketing Round Table recordings will be emailed to you when they’re available. 

If you have any issues joining the call, please be in touch with my assistant Susan at: admin@marketingforhippies.com

I look forward to seeing you there!

Stay human,

Tad Hargrave

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