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guest video: the power of who

As I get ready for my six week Niching for Hippies coaching program (which starts tomorrow) I’ve been thinking a lot about this question of ‘who’ we’re trying to reach. And, while wasting my time doing some meaningful exploring on twitter I came across this video from my dear friend and colleague Alex Baisley of www.bigdreamprogram.com. The video shares his unique and brilliant point of view around this question of niching. It’s not always about what you do but who you do it for.


[vsw id=”DapWlIS6Sio” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]



Want Help? If you’d like some more direct guidance and hand holding on figuring out your niche then go and check out my Niching for Hippies coaching program https://marketingforhippies.com/niching-for-hippies/

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