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Guest Post: The Secrets of a Killer Blog Post

by Marlon Gallano II

The Secrets of a Killer Blog Post.

That is the title of the infographic and it is a great example of what a blog post 101 is all about, as a killer title is one of the vital components needed for success. Research shows that the post title is the only part of a blog post that the reader is guaranteed to see, so the pressure is on to come up with a snappy and interesting headline that makes someone want to read on and find out more.

Grabbing the reader’s attention and persuading or tempting them to read more is the probably the ultimate goal when it comes to writing a killer blog post and the holy grail of blogging is finding the right formula or words in the title to give the reader an idea of what you are covering without giving too much away at the same time.

Having cracked the killer-title part of the equation and persuaded someone to read the blog post using some of the tricks shown, you then need to hold the reader’s attention and engage them with maybe a shocking statistic, a bold claim or a question that gets them thinking about an answer.

There are plenty of do’s and don’ts when it comes to mastering the secrets of writing a killer blog post so what are you waiting for? All is about to be revealed…….




Source: WhoIsHostingThis.com

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