I just sat down over the past couple of days and recorded a series of videos on niche marketing. I thought you might find them useful in helping you sort out how to relate to what can sometimes be a very confusing and overwhelming topic.
Strategy vs Tactics in Marketing (8 minute video)
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The Four Core Marketing Strategies (11 minute video)
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Five Major Business Struggles (and why niching is the solution to all of them) (15 minute video)
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The Primary Niching Blunder – Trying to Reach Everybody (11 minute video)
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The Bullseye Metaphor for Niching (5 minute video)
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Niching Myths That Keep Us Stuck – Part I (8 minute video)
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Niching Myths That Keep Us Stuck – Part II (13 minute video)
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Niching Myths That Keep Us Stuck – Part III (15 minute video)
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5 Tools to Clarify Your Niche (14 Minute video)
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Four Steps to Figuring Out Your Niche (10 minute video)
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If you’d like some more help in figuring out your niche, I invite you to check out my six week Niching for Hippies program which begins on January 23rd.