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Ethical Marketing 101 Webinar

Marketing Can Feel Good.

Learn my core philosophy on how to market your business in a way that’s ethical, genuinely good-vibes, deeply respectful, trauma-informed, consent-based, conscience-driven, courteous, and that honours the dignity of everyone involved (including you).

Friday, November 15th, 2024

9am – 11am Pacific  (convert timezone here)

COST: $25 USD (Replay will be sent to those who can’t make it)

This webinar is included in the membership, no need to register here.

A NOTE ABOUT AI BOT ATTENDANCE: Please note that we do not allow bot attendance on your behalf. 


Over the past few years, I’ve realized that the heart of my work, the pithy summary is ‘ethical marketing’.

I began my marketing career in 1993 doing a lot of the pushy, manipulative things and, in the thirty years since then, I’ve learned and unlearned a lot about how to bring beauty back to the marketplace by the way we market ourselves.

What I realize now is that it’s possible to market in a way that feels good to you, to the person receiving your marketing, and to all those silent witnesses who see it from a distance and hear stories about it afterwards.

I’ve come to see that the heart of this foundational piece is ethics.

In this webinar, I’d like to share with you the best of what I’ve discovered, the threads I’ve gathered, and done my best to weave into a colour-filled stylish blanket that helps me sleep well every night with a clean conscience.

This is the core philosophy upon which I built my Marketing for Hippies 101 workshop which I toured around the world for years. At the end of the day, I routinely heard comments like (actual words from participant below):

  • “By FAR the best workshop I’ve ever attended. I totally feel the weird pressure off of me and ideas are pouring in.”
  • “I’ve learned and understood more about marketing in this one day than I have done in years.”
  • “I learned more practical and useful marketing strategies in Tad’s one day workshop than I did in my five year university business degree. I have made more progress than with $10k business coaching investments.”
  • “This is the first type of marketing that has felt good to me.”
  • “This made me feel better straight away! I have so much debt from so many courses that were NOT a fit for me.”
  • “I’m a bit in awe at the generosity poured forth in this workshop and I’ve been telling all of my solopreneur friends about your work.”

This Webinar Might Be A Perfect Fit For You If You:

  • Want to be in business for at least the next five years.
  • Have been burned by, broken hearted from (and maybe even busted for using) unethical marketing approaches and believe that the best revenge is to create beauty. 
  • You know that some of the advice you’ve received from other marketing coaches feels “off“ but you’re not sure why.
  • You spent $10,000 on an expensive coaching program that you never ended up using or applying because the ethics were so absent and it all felt so gross.
  • You find it difficult to stay true to your values in your marketing in the face of so much advice and so many examples of marketing that doesn’t feel quite right.
  • When a marketing coach challenge you and suggest that your resistance to using their approach is a limiting belief you don’t know what to say in response.
  • You have been on the receiving end of unethical, marketing tactics. It felt terrible and you never, ever want to be that person
  • Understand that, in the end, reputation is everything and that word of mouth is the best marketing.
  • Have wondered why certain marketing approaches have felt ‘off’ but you could never put your finger on why.
  • Want to market your beautiful work in a way you’d feel proud for your grandparents and esteemed elders and mentors to see.
  • Are friendly, coachable, and willing to receive candid feedback.
  • Have at least one piece of strong hippie street cred 😉

This Webinar Might NOT Be A Good Fit For You If:

  • Marketing already feels wonderful to you.
  • You get most of your clients from word of mouth and it’s enough for now.

In This Two-Hour Webinar, You Will Learn:

  • The 14 shifts that are needed to take marketing from Unethical to Ethical.
  • The rationalizations that are used to justify slimy marketing.
  • The six levels of getting to the truth (rather than getting to the sale).
  • Ten questions you can ask yourself to see how ethical the approach is.
  • At least seven subtle but critical distinctions that need to be made to avoid falling down the slippery slope of sleezy marketing.

Responses from Members when asked how they feel about marketing now compared to before working with Tad:

"...In LOVE..."

“In love… communication, communing is what it’s all about I see now, and it leaves me with the ‘in love’ feeling.

I love the way Tad sees marketing and business, it touched my heart and I felt it was in harmony with my truth, so I wanted to learn more from him while I developed my business model and the social ministry for it. .”

Jane Macdonald, schoolofcreatology.com

"Great shit, man."

“Tad was so authentic and relatable. The perfect fit for a “heartfelt” business like mine.”

Kathleen Perry, drkathleenperry.com

"It felt like a relief."

“It felt like a relief.

Finally!!! Someone who isn’t just complaining about the current issues with marketing but is offering SUGGESTIONS!!!!

I’ve spent THOUSANDS on marketing advice and this has been the best. hands down.

It feels so in alignment. I feel like I have a simple, yet profound path forward. Thank-you!!!” 

Janna Denton-Howes, jannadentonhowes.com

"...Inspiring. (Who knew I would ever use that word about marketing?!)"

“So. Much. Better. Part of the shift in perspective comes with feeling more successful. It’s hard to like something you suck at. So improvement is key to wanting to actually follow-through with all the things. Having ‘aha’ moments of revelation about why something isn’t working followed by the implementation of baby steps that feel a little intimidating but ultimately yield positive results is actually inspiring. (Who knew I would ever use that word about marketing?!)

You are a beacon in the world of marketing for us as we are two artsy introverts who have been struggling with self-promotion for a long time without finding a good fit where we felt we truly belonged. You totally speak our language.

Val & Sasha, toolsfortransformation.ca

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