"How to Articulate What You Do" Webinar
"Oh! Now I Get What You Do!!"
Learn the Secrets to Describe What You Do in a Way That People Immediately “Get It”
(no matter how Far Out, WooWoo or Weird what you do might seem)
Thursday, October 12, 2023
8-9:30am Pacific
COST: $25 USD (Replay will be sent to those who can’t make it)
Perhaps you’re a Therapist, Financial Advisor, Wedding Planner, Personal Trainer, Career Coach, Massage Therapist, Body-worker, Herbalist, Shamanic Practitioner, Life-Coach, Meditation Teacher, etc. and you’ve found yourself asking that question.
Or maybe – like many – after years of frustration you secretly say it more like, “How the F#@* do I describe what I do??!!”
For the past fifteen years, I’ve travelled around North America working with green, conscious, holistic and community-minded entrepreneurs.
And, I’ve discovered that this problem is actually pretty easy to solve.
Surprisingly easy.
Of everything I offer to my clients – this piece is often the one they rave about the most – and one of the pieces I seem to be best at teaching.
One of the most consistent phrases I hear at the workshops is, “Oh! NOW I get what you do!” from one participant to another as they work away in small groups with one another. I hear that again and again, workshop after workshop, almost without fail.
An important note: these folks had already introduced themselves at the beginning of the workshop and everyone nodded as if they got it.
They were being polite.
Most people we speak to are just being polite.
Most people will never tell you that your description of what you do is unclear.
They will smile, nod, get another drink, and leave that evening with no idea of what you do.
They will read your ad – have no idea what it’s about – and turn the page. This is vital to get. Most service providing entrepreneurs have no idea how many potential clients they’re losing because their marketing is “fuzzy.”
Before your marketing can become powerful and irresistible it must become crystal clear.
Because the issue with articulating what we do isn’t really about ‘how” we communicate it.
It’s 99% about what we’re communicating.
Most entrepreneurs do not have a clear niche. Most entrepreneurs haven’t really wrestled with this in any meaningful way because it feels easier to avoid.
What you’ll be learning during this call are some artful ways to communicate a clear niche. And, by clear niche, I don’t mean 100% clear. I mean 70% or above.
This call is not a replacement for the deeper, more strategic and soul-searching questions around what your niche is, but this call will give you an understanding of what a clear niche sounds like, help you buff up whatever clarity you do have (and it’s likely more than you think you have) and also help you make progress towards a more solid and sustainable niche by encouraging you to wrestle and experiment with it.
If you’re struggling with your niche, this webinar is a great step on the journey.
To hone the point: The articulation of what we do is not hard. Identifying, discovering or deciding on what we do? That’s the hard part.
So, this webinar isn’t a solution to the hard part but it will lay out the easy part.
And, knowing the easy part can make the hard part easier to uncover. Having the scaffolding of the words you need to say can show you which words to look for.
And that is immensely helpful.
This Webinar Might Be A Perfect Fit For You IF:
You’re a service provider. This call is not designed for those who sell products or run retail.
People are confused. After you tell someone (who you genuinely think you could help) what you do they often say things like, “wow. that’s really interesting . . . say . . . I’ve got to get some punch . . .” You can tell that, the more you talk about what you do, the more you lose them. When you’re talking with someone you know you could help, you can just tell that they aren’t “getting it.”
You know you’re missing the mark. You have a strong sense that the way you’re describing what you do now (in person or in your marketing materials) isn’t as strong, compelling or clear as it could be.
It’s hard to sum up. What you do is difficult to sum up into a nifty catchphrase (and you’ve likely tried). It might feel like, “well, I either have to say it in 5 words or 500 words” but you can’t find the middle ground.
You don’t want to be formulaic. You hate the idea of crafting a scripted “elevator pitch” you need to memorize.
If this is you, I think you’ll find there’s hope.
This Webinar Might NOT Be A Good Fit For You If:
- You don’t have a business yet.
- Your primary concern right now is getting cashflow quickly.
In This 90-Minute Webinar, You Will:
learn the most common blunders made by holistic practitioners everywhere when trying to articulate what they do.
learn a cookie-cutter, five-step template that 90% of the people I work with are able to use with great success.
have a chance to test out your new way of describing what you do and get immediate and honest feedback from the other participants on what worked and what didn’t about your description.
have the chance to get my personal attention in tweaking your description.
learn how the core building blocks of how you articulate what you do provide the secrets to finding and attracting new clients (and how you’re utterly lost without them).
By the end of this webinar, I predict you’ll begin to feel oceans of blessed relief pouring over you as the words come together and you begin to breathe again knowing that, next time you are faced with the question “what do you do?” you will have a clear and compelling answer.
The answers you come up with will serve you equally well in person, in a brochure, on your website, or in live talks.

“I had a huge breakthrough in confidence about what I had been struggling to communicate clearly on my own.”
“Tad is the authentic face of marketing wisdom. Working with him was such a gift.
I was blown away by how deeply he listened and how quickly he grasped what I am really about. He just got it and was able to reflect back to me with such insightful clarity about the people I’m serving and the stages of the journey I help them to navigate.
As a result I had a huge breakthrough in confidence about what I had been struggling to communicate clearly on my own.
I’d been really stuck with trying to narrow my ‘niche’ right down but TAD brought a completely fresh approach to the process that freed up my thinking and helped me to relax into articulating what felt truly authentic for me, without missing the mark.
Tad’s ethical example in his own business is beautiful too. Whenever my own ‘marketing gremlins’ show up, I always ask myself ‘how would Tad do this?’. And mostly what I find is the self-authority to do what feels absolutely right for me and the tribe I’m serving! Thank you so much Tad for your thoughtful leadership in the tricky world of online marketing and standing for what matters.”