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marketing tactics

Blogs in Plain English

What’s are blogs? Why do they matter? This video tells you – in plain English. [vsw id=”NN2I1pWXjXI” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]   If you’d like get cool posts like this in your inbox every few days CLICK HERE to subscribe to my blog and you’ll also get a free copy of my fancy new ebook “Marketing for

Blogs in Plain English Read More

Upselling – A Funny Story

Key lessons to take from this story – we often don’t get curious about what people are really after when they buy something from us. We just sell them what they came for instead of slowing down the convo to explore why they want it. At it’s crassest – upselling is ‘would you like fries

Upselling – A Funny Story Read More

How To Prove You’re Different

People have had rotten experiences with other businesses in your industry. You can’t just say, “We do it different.” So, here’s the question: What are the policies, the procedures, processes and the standards that your business holds that ensure your are different? Just one quick example on this, which I just thought of now and

How To Prove You’re Different Read More

Marketing for Psycho-Therapists

I just met with a therapist today for lunch. We were doing a consultation and it really reminded me of something . . . If you’re a therapist it can kind of seems like you’re screwed in the marketing department. After all, ethically, you can’t even ask people for a testimonials sometimes. You can’t really

Marketing for Psycho-Therapists Read More

Word of Mouth in Action: Polaroid!

Here’s a great example from a company we all know . . . “Throw a Polaroid camera into any social network and you’re guaranteed to get conversations started. The people at Polaroid understand that. When Polaroid decided to renew interest in instant photography among younger people, the company took its cameras on a road tour.

Word of Mouth in Action: Polaroid! Read More

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