Inner Work

What am I being asked to see here?

“The greatest and most important problems of life are all fundamentally insoluble. They can never be solved but only outgrown.” – Carl Jung Sometimes in business things go wrong. Sometimes it’s because we are out of integrity. Sometimes it’s because others are. Sometimes, everyone’s in integrity and it still falls apart. However it happens, there’s

What am I being asked to see here? Read More

Stop Trying To Be So Authentic

Authenticity is not a goal. It’s a byproduct of something else. It’s not something you can put on like a coat. It’s not a strategy. It’s not something you can posture at. It’s not even the goal. It’s the result of something else that you’re doing. There’s the old story of the archer who misses

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The Work of Byron Katie in Marketing: “Why aren’t people buying from me?!”

* This blog post is the first in a series of posts exploring the connection between marketing and The Work of Byron Katie.  * Frankly, I’m tired of hearing people talk about the importance of working on your ‘inner game’ in business. Because most of what I hear feels like self pressuring bullshit to constantly do

The Work of Byron Katie in Marketing: “Why aren’t people buying from me?!” Read More


If there is a missing ingredient to success in business it’s not know-how, it’s hustle. It’s the ability to get busy and make things happen. It’s not having more resources, it’s resourcefulness. When people are driven and committed they so often find a way to make things work while those who aren’t committed find a

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