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become a TED Fellow

TED is an amazing example of effective marketing in action. Over the past few years, they’ve gone from being a global nobody to a global movement by providing amazing content, becoming a hub and creating community. Here’s a way you can get more deeply involved in their work (are you giving people ways to become more deeply involved in YOUR work and community? Something to think about . . .)

The TED Fellows program is in search of its next class of world-changing innovators! Fellowship applications for TEDGlobal 2011 are now open at www.ted.com/fellows/apply, and we need your help spreading the word.

Launched at TED2009 in Long Beach, the TED Fellows program brings outstanding individuals who have shown unusual accomplishment, exceptional courage and moral imagination into the TED community in order to amplify the impact of their remarkable projects and activities.

Applications are open through March 11, 2011.

Your help is greatly appreciated!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

All my best,
Logan McClure
Program Officer, TED Fellows
TED Conferences


TED Fellowship Applications Now Open!

Ever wanted to be a TED Fellow? Know any young world changers? The TED Fellows program is looking for 20 outstanding multidisciplinary innovators from around the world – techies, entrepreneurs, artists, scientists, bloggers, filmmakers, musicians, activists, and more!

Apply today at


Applications are open through March 11, 2011


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