Apprenticeship Interest

Are You Interested In An Apprenticeship With Marketing For Hippies?


What Is The Apprenticeship All About?

Over the year, many business, sales and marketing coaches expressed an interest in learning more from me about my views on marketing and business (and about how I’d built my own).

And so, I’m making my way towards offering a kind of Apprenticeship Program.

I figured that the best place to start would be with gathering information about what you might want to know most. 

I’ll be doing a live-stream this Spring where I’ll answer the most popular questions, then likely a retreat in the fall in Duncan, BC.

The Apprenticeship proper won’t likely begin until 2025.


This is for those that want to get in from the beginning.

This May Be For You If:

  • you are a business coach and really want to be able to support people in finding their way to an ethical marketing approach that feels genuinely good to all involved (even the innocent bystanders) and that is sustainable.
  • you have been following my work for at least a year
  • you want to apply my work to your own business
  • want to be, in particular, savvier at helping your clients sort out their niche and point of view
  • like the thought of being in a co-hort of 

Want To Learn More as it evolves? Sign Up Below

Right now we’re gathering names of people who might want to be involved in the apprenticeship, and gathering some of the most pressing questions.

If you are interested in learning more about Marketing for Hippies Apprenticeship, please sign up here and you’ll hear from us soon

Sign Up To This Apprenticeship Specific List To Get Updates (we won't be sending these out to the main list)

Then Give Us Your Most Burning Questions:

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