Marketing for Hippies 101:
The 30-Day Online Program
A 30-Day, virtual workshop where you can learn how to attract more of the clients you want (without ever sacrificing your integrity or spending a fortune).
May 3-31, 2022
Five calls on Tuesdays at 12-1:30pm Pacific
(Dates: May 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31, 2022)
Make sure you double check the time zone to make sure you’re able to make the calls. Calls will be recorded if you’re ever not able to make the call or want to re-listen to it.
COST: $300 USD
“Marketing can feel good.”
This is the core idea behind this 30-day program.
But for so many people it doesn’t.
To take it a step further: for marketing to be effective it must feel good. After all, if marketing feels bad, you will avoid doing it and others will avoid wanting to do business with you.
To go even one step further than that: I think marketing can not only feel good but also be effective at the same time. This program explores how (in very practical, nuts and bolts ways).
Too much marketing (even by savvy, conscious entrepreneurs) creates either no response or seems “over-hyped,” and triggers a “used car salesman” reaction.
Since 2001, I have traveled around North America and the UK and worked with conscious entrepreneurs just like you. Some successful, others struggling. And I’ve gathered quite the assortment of success stories and strategies right from the horses’ mouths.
And, if there’s one thing all of this has shown me it’s that marketing can feel good.
This 30-day program is my best distillation and collection of those practices and stories.
This Program Could Be a Perfect Fit for You If:
- You are a conscious entrepreneur of some sort.
- Marketing feels gross, pushy, awkward and unnatural to you and you are curious about why that is.
- You like the idea that marketing could actually feel good (even if you can’t imagine how). You’re drawn to the question: “How can I sell my products and services without selling my soul?” You want to have your ideal client approaching you, instead of you chasing them?
- Your current approach to marketing doesn’t seem to be effective … and you have no idea why.
- You’re willing to spend the time needed on this. It will take you five hours per week on this + three hours before the program begins to delve into the grounding materials. Each week, you’ll get a 90-minute, pre-recorded workshop on the content of the upcoming week. Each week, there will be a 90 minute call. And then let’s say you spend at least two hours a week on this outside of the calls. This is optional but highly recommended.
“His material and approach has become ‘required reading’ for anyone that I work with.”
“Since meeting Tad 4 years ago his material and approach has become ‘required reading’ for anyone that I work with, especially in communications and marketing. If someone says ‘Oh I don’t like that’ then I know we aren’t a fit to work together! I train people to fundraise in a way that is fun, easy and works. Tad’s approach to marketing is so in line with what I do and the way I do it that I often find his words coming out of my mouth when asking for donations. And thats fine with me cause it works!”
— Wil Carlos,
In this 30-day program, you will:
- learn 5 reasons why marketing matters in making the world be a better place (so you don’t see marketing as just a selfish act).
- get a lucid and simple answer to the question, “why does marketing feel bad?“ (so you can make sure your marketing never does).
- learn about the dynamics of Posturing, Collapsing & Composure (which may help you see the exact dynamic that’s keeping you stuck – you may have never noticed this before).
- hear about the concept of “polarizing” in marketing (and how how being extremely real, honest and vulnerable can get you more of the kinds of clients you’re craving).
- learn about the three kinds of prospectors. Every potential client you will ever meet fits into one of these three categories. Each of them requires an entirely different strategy. Learning this will let you know exactly what you need to do with each person you meet while avoiding manipulative tactics of any kind.
- get to explore the three roles of marketing. Most people think that marketing has only one role: to get people to say “yes.” I disagree with this. Understanding these three roles is like hooking up a flawless diagnostic machine to all of your marketing that can pin point exactly where your issues are and what to do about them. It will also free you from the need to use any sort of approach to marketing that could feel even slightly bad to anyone (including you).
- learn the three core elements of your marketing strategy. Whenever I look at any business it is always through the lens of these three pieces. When these three pieces are in place, you attract clients without a lot of extra fuss and good vibes for everyone. When these three pieces aren’t in place, everything is a struggle.
- learn about the notion of establishing your container so that you can make sure your business is safe to approach (an unappreciated concept in the world of marketing) but is also sustainable for you.
- learn about how to use the idea of paths to make it incredibly easy for your ideal clients to find you (so you can stop working so hard trying to find them).
- finally understand why marketing has been so hard when you learn the three levels of marketing (and how so many of the marketing courses out there focus only on the first of the three levels).
- get three simple strategies for identifying and connecting with your hubs (and learn why this is the most important thing that anyone could do to attract more of the quality of clients that you want).
- learn the seven things your business can be known for (most entrepreneurs only ever focus on one of these seven). This is a conversation that digs deep into the notions of branding and identity.
“I couldn’t possibly put a value on this content. It’s priceless.”
“I believe we have a responsibility to let people know where there’s help and hope available for them. The passion, energy, integrity and humour in Marketing 101 reminds me that that is entirely possible. Tad, you’re a marvel and an inspiration. I couldn’t possibly put a value on this content. It’s priceless.”
— Lisa Barber,
Six Compelling Reasons to Sign Up:
Compelling Reason #1: You Get the Full Footage From my Live, Marketing for Hippies 101 Workshop the moment you sign up
While I was in Victoria, BC in 2014, I had Canadian film maker Ian Mackenzie record the latest version of my workshop so I could make it available to those who have never had the chance to attend my workshop and to whose cities I may, sadly, never come.
Before the program begins, you will be expected to watch this full two-and-half-hour video of this live workshop (and, for extra points, dive into the Bonus Materials you’ll learn about below).
When I do this workshop live, participants don’t get the advantage of being able to pause, rewind and watch it over again. And they haven’t gotten any of the bonus materials listed below. You can watch, streaming online or download to your computer.
Small Disclaimer: We forgot to mic the audience. For the most part I restate what they have said, but I miss it a few times. You’re not missing anything vital and it doesn’t happen much but I know this sort of thing can drive some people crazy. 🙂
Note: You can get this footage without signing up but you might find that needing to watch it in preparation for our 30-days together might help you get more out of it. If you’d like to watch this before even signing up for this event, feel free. You can get it here.
Compelling Reason #2: Weekly, Pre-Recorded Workshops
Each week, you’ll receive a 90-minute, pre-recorded video workshop to do before the call. The content will relate to the coming week’s content. There’s no pressure to complete these before the call but they will be a huge help for you if you do. They take the theme and, in a hands-on, get-things-done-on-the-call fashion takes the material from theory into direct application.
Compelling Reason #3: Customized, “Get-Your-Questions-Answered” Weekly Office Hours
Each week, you’ll get to partake in a 90-minute group call where we will dig into the content you learned. These calls will be structured entirely on your questions. We will cover whatever aspects of the content were most interesting and/or confusing to you. You’ll hear my personal thoughts on how those principles might apply to you and your situation.
Over the thirty days, you’ll be able to phone into the Office Hours Zoom call and speak to me personally, share your progress and get reflections from myself and everyone else on the call about how to work on the areas in which you might be stuck. I’ll communicate with as many people as I can in the 90 minutes. Think of it as a group coaching call.
These calls will all be recorded.
Compelling Reason #4: No Facebook
In past versions of this program, we heavily relied on a Facebook group. This new iteration uses Zoom only and so you will get to enjoy a distraction free space.
Compelling Reason #5: Cheap Like Borscht
I am pricing this program low for a few reasons.
On the selfish level, it’s pretty simple.
I want this to be a no brainer for you to sign up.
I don’t want to have to spend a lot of time marketing this or convincing anyone it’s a good idea.
So that’s the main reason.
Plus, if you like this material, which represents my core point of view on marketing then you’ll be more likely to sign up for other more programs of mine (like my Marketing for Hippies Membership) and maybe want to hire me one on one. You’ll be more likely to buy my eBooks. You’ll be more likely to spread the word about me to your colleagues.
On the altruistic level, this is material I simply want to see out there.
If you get a handle on your marketing, not only will you make more money, you’ll show other people that making money doing what you love is possible. You’ll also, because you’re savvier about marketing, be better at helping your friends with their marketing.
I dream of a movement of marketing savvy social entrepreneurs who are able to make green, sustainable and holistic things seem normal instead of making normal things seem green, sustainable and holistic.
Plus, I’ve had so many people tell me they want to attend a workshop of mine but that they couldn’t travel to Canada to attend. So, I’m trying to make this material more accessible to a wider audience.
Compelling Reason #6: It Could Be Even Cheaper Than Borscht
For Pro Members of my Marketing for Hippies Membership Program, my 30-day programs are free to attend. If you join at the Pro level, you’d pay $100 USD/month) get to attend this $300 USD program, PLUS you’d have full access to all my eBooks, mini courses, regular live calls, discounts on one on one coaching and can check out the rest of my Membership Program while you’re at it.
“It is so enjoyable, the information ‘sticks’ more.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed the Marketing for Hippies video Set. Tad is honest, funny, transparent and real. This kind of delivery is refreshing to watch and because it is so enjoyable, the information ‘sticks’ more. I can recommend it to everyone looking to ethically boost the reach of their business.”
— Andrew Johnson,
(Beyond the Money it Will Save You)
Reason #1: Get much more direct feedback.
During our 30 days together, it’s unlikely that you will get feedback in every call. But that’s okay because, as a member you’ll have a lot of other distinct mechanisms to get support.
We’ll be hosting regular zoom calls you can join.
MONDAY: Niching Practice Calls @ 1am and 10am Pacific
TUESDAY: Community Collaboration Calls @ 3pm Pacific
WEDNESDAY: Copy Clinic @ 9am Pacific
THURSDAY: Point of View Practice Call (TBD)
FRIDAY: Coaching Calls @ 12pm Pacific
First Mondays – Oceania Call @ 6pm Pacific
First Mondays – Group Coaching Call @ 1pm Pacific
First Fridays – Success Stories Share – @ 11am Pacific
Target Market Feedback Sessions – Variable Times and Dates
Point of View Marketing Deep Dive
Plus, you can always post in the community forums in between calls and there’s a good chance you’ll get a response or two.
Reason #2: Three bonus courses to dig deeper.
At the Foundations Level of the Membership, you’ll get access to three DIY courses to help you learn the content of this 30 days more deeply.
The first is about the Three Roles of Marketing (which makes a sort of architecture of the day).
The second is the Three Core Elements Of Your Marketing Strategy course which explores Niching, Hub Marketing & Business Model.
The third is the Deeper Platform Work which will help you explore this thorny topic of niching from seven different angles.
Reason #3: Eight more courses.
At the Pro Level these are all free. These cover niching (in an extremely robust and in depth way), Hub Marketing, and Copywriting.
Reason #4: The whole damned library of my content neatly organized.
All of my videos are in the Membership. So are all of my blog posts. I’ve also got other videos, edited down coaching sessions pulled out from our weekly coaching calls there too. That will all be at your fingertips for the price of admission. And then there are all my blogs and articles. There are likely over 2000 pieces of content. There’s a solid chance that, whatever you’re looking for, there’s something there that can help you take the next step.
That might sound overwhelming, but not the way we’ve got it organized.
Want to get a sense of what’s in there?
Try the Marketing for Hippies Membership Guide – a ‘choose your own adventure’ guide to help you find the perfect content for you in the membership. It will give you a sense of how much content is there for you and how easy it is to find.
Reason #5: Like-Minded Entrepreneurs.
How much does this all cost?
I am only charging $300 USD for this program.
No early bird specials. Just a sweet deal from the beginning.
I hope you’ll agree this is a bargain of a price.
And if that’s too much all at once, there’s even a 3-Pay Option where you pay $100 per month for three months.
OR it could just be cheaper if you become a Member first.
“Will this be a repeat of the content of your daylong, Marketing for Hippies 101 workshop?”
No. This 30-day program will help with you put that content into action. It will help you implement it. It will proceed assuming you’ve already learned that content. This is a sort of “Stage Two” of the process. It’s the hands on wondering of what all these ideas might look like in your situation and how they might find a home in your business.
This might seem obvious but it bears underlining. When people attend my live workshops, they get all of this content but they don’t get all of the additional support you’re getting here to help them integrate it.
I run that day-long workshop on a pay-what-you-can basis meaning people give me a $25 deposit to confirm their spot and then pay me whatever they want to pay at the very end based on what they thought it was worth. I’ve received as little as $5 (with an incredibly kind note about how this was genuinely all she could afford) and as much as $600.
But, when people ask me what I would charge for this day-long workshop, I feel very at ease in saying $300. For most people if they were to get even one repeat client from what they learned it would mean at least $300 and likely much more. So you’re getting the content plus additional support and coaching in integrating it into your business.
“Is there any homework to do before the event?”
Yes. Please go through your Marketing for Hippies Starter Kit in detail. You’ll be glad you did. It includes the video of my day-long workshop. It will help you arrive understanding and ready to implement the basics.
“What’s the format of the calls?”
The calls are 100% Q&A. Each week you’ll be given a 90 minute video workshop to watch and complete so that you can show up to that week’s call with your questions about how to translate it to your situation. So there are three levels of this program. Level 1) You go through the Starter Kit. Level 2) Each week you do 90-minutes of prep work. 3) Each week there’s a 90 minute call to dig into your questions.
“What’s the structure of the 30-days?”
This is subject to change but, roughly, it will be
Week One: How can marketing feel good?
Week Two: Niching + Offers
Week Three: Deeper into crafting offers.
Week Four: Hub Marketing
Week Five: Open Q&A.
“But is it good for a newbie?”
Well, here’s my take on this …
If you have a business that is basically already set up – this could help you more immediately. you could apply what you learn and have it give you a more solid return faster. if you don’t have it all clear and structured yet, if it’s still ‘fuzzy’ as you say, then it will give you a sandbox to play in and a place to get feedback (which can help a lot with clarity) but also it will give you a structured way to think about marketing your offers in the future. it will give you a framework to work with and return to (even if that doesn’t make you much money right away). I honestly wish more people would come to this workshop right at the beginning and many entrepreneurs have told me they wish the same.
“Why would you offer this program for only $100 USD?”
Why would I offer this program, basically for free, if you join my Membership?
Couldn’t you join the Membership, do the 30-day program, attend all the calls available (listed above), download all of my eBooks and then leave at the end of the 30-days having made off like an ethical-bandit?
You absolutely could. And you’d do so with my blessing.
“But Tad! You’re losing $200 USD per person this way.”
Maybe. But some folks wouldn’t have signed up for the $300 USD, so, if they sign up I’m making at least $100 USD I wouldn’t have made.
“Okay. But, overall, you’re making less money that you could if you did this as a stand alone program and just charged a flat $300 USD.”
That’s 100% true. I am taking the risk on this one. I am making less money than I could on the front-end with the idea that enough folks will stick around for at least three months (and hopefully more) in the Membership.
It’s on me to deliver so much value in the Membership that you would want to stick around and pay the $100 USD per month. That’s my job. If it doesn’t feel like a fit to stick around beyond the thirty days, that’s perfect.
“How can I tell if this Membership will be worth the money?”
The most important thing will be to read the write up on it. Try the Marketing for Hippies Membership Guide – a ‘choose your own adventure’ guide to help you find the perfect content for you in the membership. It will give you a sense of how much content is there for you and how easy it is to find.